Visuddhimagga VIII-100

Disato dvīsu disāsu jātā.


Ñ(VIII,100): As to direction, they lie in the two directions.

Okāsato sakalasarīre aṭṭhīni ābandhitvā ṭhitā.


Ñ: As to location, they are to be found binding the bones of the whole body together.

Paricchedato heṭṭhā tiṇṇaṃ aṭṭhisatānaṃ upari patiṭṭhitatalehi,


Ñ: As to delimitation, they are bounded below by their surface, which is fixed on to the three hundred bones,

upari maṃsacammāni āhacca ṭhitappadesehi,


Ñ: and above by the portions that are in contact with the flesh and the inner skin,

tiriyaṃ aññamaññena paricchinnā,


Ñ: and all round by each other.

ayaṃ nesaṃ sabhāgaparicchedo.


Ñ: … (This is the delimitation by the similar.)

Visabhāgaparicchedo pana kesasadisoyeva.


Ñ: (But their delimitation by the dissimilar is like that for the head hairs.)

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