Visuddhimagga III-117

Ārammaṇatoti imesu ca cattālīsāya kammaṭṭhānesu dasakasiṇā, dasaasubhā, ānāpānassati, kāyagatāsatīti imāni dvāvīsatipaṭibhāganimittārammaṇāni.

6)「依所缘」── 于此等四十业处中,十遍,十不净,入出息随念及身随念的二十二种为相似相所缘,

Ñ(III,117): 6. As to object: of these forty meditation subjects, twenty-two have counterpart signs as object, that is to say, the ten kasiṇas, the ten kinds of foulness, mindfulness of breathing, and mindfulness occupied with the body;

Sesāni na paṭibhāganimittārammaṇāni.


Ñ: the rest do not have counterpart signs as object.

Tathā dasasu anussatīsu ṭhapetvā ānāpānassatiñca kāyagatāsatiñca avasesā aṭṭha anussatiyo, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, catudhātuvavatthānaṃ, viññāṇañcāyatanaṃ, nevasaññānāsaññāyatananti imāni dvādasa sabhāvadhammārammaṇāni.


Ñ: Then twelve have states consisting in individual essences as object, that is to say, eight of the ten recollections —— except mindfulness of breathing and mindfulness occupied with the body ——, the perception of repulsiveness in nutriment, the defining of the elements, the base consisting of boundless consciousness, and the base consisting of neither perception nor non-perception;

Dasa kasiṇā, dasa asubhā, ānāpānassati, kāyagatāsatīti imāni dvāvīsati nimittārammaṇāni.


Ñ: and twenty-two have [counterpart] signs as object, that is to say, the ten kasiṇas, the ten kinds of foulness, mindfulness of breathing, and mindfulness occupied with the body;

Sesāni cha na vattabbārammaṇāni.


Ñ: while the remaining six have 'not-so-classifiable' objects.

Tathā vipubbakaṃ, lohitakaṃ, puḷuvakaṃ, ānāpānassati, āpokasiṇaṃ, tejokasiṇaṃ, vāyokasiṇaṃ, yañca ālokakasiṇe sūriyādīnaṃ obhāsamaṇḍalārammaṇanti imāni aṭṭha calitārammaṇāni, tāni ca kho pubbabhāge, paṭibhāgaṃ pana sannisinnameva hoti.

脓烂想,血涂想,虫聚想,入出息随念,水遍,火遍,风遍及光明遍中的太阳等圆光所缘,此八种为动摇所缘 ── 然彼等的动摇所缘仅在似相的前分。在似相的阶段,便成为固定而不动了。

Ñ: Then eight have mobile objects in the early stage though the counterpart is stationary, that is to say, the festering, the bleeding, the worm-infested, mindfulness of breathing, the water kasiṇa, the fire kasiṇa, the air kasiṇa, and in the case of the light kasiṇa the object consisting of a circle of sunlight, etc.;

Sayādaw U Sīlānanda: The word 'mobile' also means shaking. The words 'early stage' mean preliminary stage.

Han: Mahāsī Sayādaw had the same interpretation.

Sesāni na calitārammaṇānīti evaṃ ārammaṇato.


Ñ: the rest have immobile objects. This is 'as to object'.

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Acknowledgment: Thanks to Buddhist Publication Society (BPS) and Venerable Nyanatusita for allowing me to use the English translation of the Visuddhimagga (The Path Of Purification) by Bhadantācariya Buddhaghosa, translated from the Pāḷi by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, as part of a combined Chinese English translation.

Sādhu ! Sādhu ! Sādhu !