Attano khandhānussaraṇakāle panetaṃ
Ñ(XIII,123): At the time of
recollecting one's own aggregates it has an internal object.
Parassa khandhānussaraṇakāle
Ñ: At the time of recollecting
another's aggregates it has an external object.
‘‘Atīte vipassī bhagavā ahosi.
Tassa mātā bandhumatī, pitā bandhumā’’tiādinā (dī. ni.
2.12) nayena nāmagottapathavīnimittādianussaraṇakāle
navattabbārammaṇaṃ hoti.
Ñ: At the time of recollecting [the
concepts consisting in] name, race (surname) in the way beginning,
'In the past there was the Blessed One Vipassin. His mother was
Bhandumatī. His father was Bhandumant' (see D.ii,6-7), and [the
concept consisting in] the sign of earth, etc., it has a
not-so-classifiable object.
Nāmagottanti cettha khandhūpanibandho
sammutisiddho byañjanattho daṭṭhabbo, na byañjanaṃ.
Ñ: And here the name and race (surname,
lineage) must be regarded not as the actual words but as the meaning
of the words, which is established by convention and bound up with
Byañjanañhi saddāyatanasaṅgahitattā
parittaṃ hoti.
434] 所以是有限的(小所缘)。
Ñ: For the actual words [434] are
'limited' since they are included by the sound base,
Yathāha ‘‘niruttipaṭisambhidā
parittārammaṇā’’ti (vibha. 749).
Ñ: according as it is said: 'The
discrimination of language has a limited object' (Vbh. 304).
Ayamettha amhākaṃ khanti.
Ñ: Our preference here is this.
Evaṃ pubbenivāsañāṇassa aṭṭhasu
ārammaṇesu pavatti veditabbā.
Ñ: This is how the knowledge of past
life should be understood to occur with respect to the eight kinds of