Visuddhimagga VI-43

111. Yo pana purimabuddhānaṃ santike āsevitakammaṭṭhāno parihatadhutaṅgo parimadditamahābhūto pariggahitasaṅkhāro vavatthāpitanāmarūpo ugghāṭitasattasañño katasamaṇadhammo vāsitavāsano bhāvitabhāvano sabījo ñāṇuttaro appakileso kulaputto, tassa olokitolokitaṭṭhāneyeva paṭibhāganimittaṃ upaṭṭhāti.

其次如已亲近过去诸佛,曾习业处,行头陀支,思惟(地水火风的)大种,把握(无常、苦、无我)诸行,观察(缘起的)名色,除有情想,行沙门法 [PTS 185],熏习其(善的)熏习,修其所修,得(解脱)种子,具上智而少烦恼的善男子,见其所见的尸体处,即得显现似相。

Ñ(VI,43): But when a clansman has cultivated the meditation subject under former Enlightened Ones, kept the ascetic practices, threshed out the great primary elements, discerned formations, defined mentality-materiality, eliminated the perception of a being, done the ascetic's [185] duties, lived the moral life, and developed the development, when he contains the seed [of turning away from formations], and has mature knowledge and little defilement, then the counterpart sign appears to him in the place while he keeps looking.

No ce evaṃ upaṭṭhāti, athevaṃ chabbidhena nimittaṃ gaṇhato upaṭṭhāti.


Ñ: If it does not appear in that way, then it appears to him as he is apprehending the sign in the six ways.

Visuddhimagga VI-42

Purisassa pana itthisarīraṃ itthiyā vā purisasarīraṃ na vaṭṭati.


Ñ(VI,42): However, a female body is not appropriate for a man or a male one for a woman;

Visabhāge sarīre ārammaṇaṃ na upaṭṭhāti, vipphandanasseva paccayo hoti.


Ñ: for the object, [namely, the repulsive aspect], does not make its appearance in a body of the opposite sex, which merely becomes a condition for the wrong kind of excitement [(vipphandana)].

‘‘Ugghāṭitāpi hi itthī purisassa cittaṃ pariyādāya tiṭṭhatī’’ti (a. ni. 5.55) majjhimaṭṭhakathāyaṃ vuttaṃ.


Ñ: To quote the Majjjhima Commentary: 'Even when decaying [(Ugghāṭita)] a woman invades a man's mind and stays there'.

Tasmā sabhāgasarīreyeva evaṃ chabbidhena nimittaṃ gaṇhitabbaṃ.


Ñ: That is why the sign should be apprehended in the six ways only in a body of the same sex.

Visuddhimagga VI-41

Paricchedato idaṃ sarīraṃ adho pādatalena upari kesamatthakena tiriyaṃ tacena paricchinnaṃ, yathāparicchinne ca ṭhāne dvattiṃsakuṇapabharitamevāti vavatthapetabbaṃ.


Ñ(VI,41): (6) He should define it by its delimitation thus: 'This body is delimited below by the soles of the feet, above by the tips of the hair, all round by the skin; the space so delimited is filled up with thirty-two pieces of corpse'.

Atha vā ayamassa hatthaparicchedo, ayaṃ pādaparicchedo, ayaṃ sīsaparicchedo, ayaṃ majjhimakāyaparicchedoti vavatthapetabbaṃ.


Ñ: Or alternatively, he can define it thus: 'This is the delimitation of its hand, this is the delimitation of its foot, this is the delimitation of its head, this is the delimitation of the middle part of its body'.

Yattakaṃ vā pana ṭhānaṃ gaṇhati, tattakameva idaṃ īdisaṃ uddhumātakanti paricchinditabbaṃ.


Ñ: Or alternatively, he can delimit as much of it as he has apprehended thus: 'Just this much of the bloated is like this'.

Visuddhimagga VI-40

Okāsato pana imasmiṃ nāma okāse hatthā, imasmiṃ pādā, imasmiṃ sīsaṃ, imasmiṃ majjhimakāyo ṭhitoti vavatthapetabbaṃ.


Ñ(VI,40): (5) He should define it by its location thus: 'The hand is in this location, the foot in this, the head in this, the middle of the body in this'.

Atha vā ahaṃ imasmiṃ okāse ṭhito asubhanimittaṃ imasminti vavatthapetabbaṃ.


Ñ: Or alternatively, he can define it thus: 'I am in this location; the sign of foulness is in that'.

Visuddhimagga VI-39

Disato pana imasmiṃ sarīre dve disā nābhiyā adho heṭṭhimadisā uddhaṃ uparimadisāti vavatthapetabbaṃ.


Ñ(VI,39): (4) He should define it by its direction thus: 'There are two directions in this body, that is, down from the navel as the lower direction, and up from it as the upper direction'.

Atha vā ahaṃ imissā disāya ṭhito asubhanimittaṃ imissāti vavatthapetabbaṃ.


Ñ: Or alternatively, he can define it thus: 'I am standing in this direction; the sign of foulness is in that direction'.

Visuddhimagga VI-38

Saṇṭhānato uddhumātakassa saṇṭhānavaseneva idamassa sīsasaṇṭhānaṃ, idaṃ gīvāsaṇṭhānaṃ, idaṃ hatthasaṇṭhānaṃ, idaṃ udarasaṇṭhānaṃ, idaṃ nābhisaṇṭhānaṃ, idaṃ kaṭisaṇṭhānaṃ, idaṃ ūrusaṇṭhānaṃ, idaṃ jaṅghāsaṇṭhānaṃ, idaṃ pādasaṇṭhānanti vavatthapetabbaṃ.


Ñ(VI,38): (3) By its shape: he should define it only by the shape of the bloated thus: 'This is the shape of its head, this is the shape of its neck, this is the shape of its hand, this is the shape of its chest, this is the shape of its belly, this is the shape of its navel, this is the shape of its hips, this is the shape of its thigh, this is the shape of its calf, this is the shape of its foot'.

Visuddhimagga VI-37

Liṅgato pana itthiliṅgaṃ vā purisaliṅgaṃ vāti avavatthapetvā paṭhamavaye vā majjhimavaye vā pacchimavaye vā ṭhitassa idaṃ sarīranti vavatthapetabbaṃ.


Ñ(VI,37): (2) Instead of defining it by the female mark or the male mark, he should define it by its mark thus: 'This is the body of one who was in the first phase of life, in the middle phase, in the last phase'.

Visuddhimagga VI-36

Tena hi yoginā idaṃ sarīraṃ kāḷassa vā odātassa vā maṅguracchavino vāti vaṇṇato vavatthapetabbaṃ.


Ñ(VI,36) (1) The meditator should define it by its colour thus: 'This is the body of one who is black or white or yellow-skinned'.

Visuddhimagga VI-35

Evaṃ sanimittaṃ sārammaṇañca katvā pana sabhāvabhāvato vavatthapetīti vuttattā yvāssa sabhāvabhāvo anaññasādhāraṇo attaniyo uddhumātakabhāvo, tena manasikātabbaṃ.

如是与相俱及与所缘俱作已,其次确定「自性的状态」,即是说当时不净相的自性状态 ── 不与他共的独特的膨胀的状态作意。

Ñ(VI,35): Having done this, again he should bring to mind the fact that it has an individual essence, its own state of being bloated, which is not common to anything else, since it was said that he defines [(§19)] it by the fact of its having attained that particular individual essence.

Vaṇitaṃ uddhumātakanti evaṃ sabhāvena sarasena vavatthapetabbanti attho.


Ñ: The meaning is that it should be defined according to individual essence, according to its own nature, as 'the inflated [(Vaṇita)], the bloated'.

110. Evaṃ vavatthapetvā vaṇṇatopi liṅgatopi saṇṭhānatopi disatopi okāsatopi paricchedatopīti chabbidhena nimittaṃ gahetabbaṃ.

3)(以十一种法取相)如是确定之后,次说「以色(vaṇṇato)、以相(liṅgato)、以形(saṇṭhānato)[PTS 184] 以方(disato)、以处(okāsato)、以界限(paricchedato)[《解脱道论》「以色、以男女、以形、以方、以处、以分别」。] 六法取相,

Ñ: Having defined it in this way, he should apprehend the sign in the following six ways, that is to say, (1) by its colour, (2) by its mark, (3) by its shape, [184] (4) by its direction, (5) by its location, (6) by its delimitation.



Ñ: How?

Visuddhimagga VI-34

109. Yaṃ pana vuttaṃ sanimittaṃ karoti sārammaṇaṃ karotīti, taṃ idheva antogadhaṃ.


Ñ(VI,34): Also with its particular sign and in relation to the object was said (§19); but that is included by what has just been said;

Punappunaṃ vavatthapento hi sanimittaṃ karoti nāma.


Ñ: for he 'characterizes it with its particular sign' when he defines it again and again,

Ayaṃ pāsāṇo idaṃ asubhanimittaṃ, idaṃ asubhanimittaṃ ayaṃ pāsāṇoti evaṃ dve dve samāsetvā samāsetvā vavatthapento sārammaṇaṃ karoti nāma.


Ñ: and he 'characterizes it in relation to the object' when he defines it by combining it each time in pairs thus: 'This is a rock, this is the sign of foulness; this is the sign of foulness, this is a rock'.

Visuddhimagga VI-33

Sace latā hoti, sāpi ‘‘lābu vā kumbhaṇḍī vā sāmā vā kāḷavalli vā pūtilatā vā’’ti vavatthapetabbā.


Ñ(VI,33): If there is a creeper, he should define it in this way: 'This is a pumpkin creeper or a gourd creeper or a brown creeper or a black creeper or a stinking creeper',

Tato ‘‘imasmiṃ nāma okāse ayaṃ latā idaṃ asubhanimittaṃ, idaṃ asubhanimittaṃ ayaṃ latā’’ti sallakkhetabbaṃ.


Ñ: after which he should observe [the relative positions] thus: 'In this place, this is a creeper, this is the sign of foulness; this is the sign of foulness, this is a creeper'.

Visuddhimagga VI-32

Sace gaccho hoti, sopi ‘‘sindivā karamando vā kaṇavīro vā kuraṇḍako vā ucco vā nīco vā khuddako vā mahanto vā’’ti vavatthapetabbo.


Ñ(VI,32): If there is a bush, he should define it in this way: 'This is a sindi bush or a karamanda bush or a kaṇavīra bush or a koraṇḍaka bush; it is tall or short, small or large',

Tato ‘‘imasmiṃ nāma okāse ayaṃ gaccho idaṃ asubhanimitta’’nti sallakkhetabbaṃ.


Ñ: after which he should observe [the relative positions] thus: 'In this place, this is a bush, this is the sign of foulness'.

Visuddhimagga VI-31

Sace rukkho hoti, sopi ‘‘assattho vā nigrodho vā kacchako vā kapītano vā ucco vā nīco vā khuddako vā mahanto vā tambo vā kāḷo vā seto vā’’ti vavatthapetabbo.


Ñ(VI,31): If there is a tree, he should define it in this way: 'This is a pipal tree or a banyan tree or a kacchaka tree or a wood-apple tree; it is tall or short, small or large, black or white',

Tato ‘‘imasmiṃ nāma okāse ayaṃ rukkho idaṃ asubhanimitta’’nti sallakkhetabbaṃ.


Ñ: after which he should observe [the relative positions] thus: 'In this place, this is a tree, this is the sign of foulness'.

Visuddhimagga VI-30

Sace vammiko hoti, sopi ‘‘ucco vā nīco vā khuddako vā mahanto vā tambo vā kāḷo vā seto vā dīgho vā parimaṇḍalo vā’’ti vavatthapetabbo.


Ñ(VI,30): If there is an ant-hill, he should define it in this way: 'This is high or low, small or large, brown or black or white, long or round',

Tato ‘‘imasmiṃ nāma okāse ayaṃ vammiko idaṃ asubhanimitta’’nti sallakkhetabbaṃ.


Ñ: after which he should observe [the relative positions] thus: 'In this place, this is an ant-hill, this is the sign of foulness'.

Visuddhimagga VI-29

Tatridaṃ upalakkhaṇavidhānaṃ, sace tassa nimittassa samantā cakkhupathe pāsāṇo hoti, so ‘‘ayaṃ pāsāṇo ucco vā nīco vā khuddako vā mahanto vā tambo vā kāḷo vā seto vā dīgho vā parimaṇḍalo vā’’ti vavatthapetabbo.


Ñ(VI,29): These are the directions for characterizing them. If there is a rock in the eye's focus near the sign, he should define it in this way: 'This rock is high or low, small or large, brown or black or white, long or round',

Tato ‘‘imasmiṃ nāma okāse ayaṃ pāsāṇo idaṃ asubhanimittaṃ, idaṃ asubhanimittaṃ ayaṃ pāsāṇo’’ti sallakkhetabbaṃ.


Ñ: after which he should observe [the relative positions] thus: 'In this place, this is a rock, this is the sign of foulness; this is the sign of foulness, this is a rock'.

Visuddhimagga VI-28

108. Evaṃ ṭhitena ‘‘tasmiṃ padese pāsāṇaṃ vā…pe… lataṃ vā sanimittaṃ karotī’’ti evaṃ vuttāni samantā nimittāni upalakkhetabbāni.

[PTS 183] 如是站立之人,「那里并有岩石……蔓藤等相」,当依此说考察四方诸相。

Ñ(VI,28): Then he should characterize the surrounding signs in the way stated thus: 'In the place where the bloated sign of foulness has been left he notes any stone ... or creeper there with its sign' (§19).

Visuddhimagga VI-27

Evaṃ tiṭṭhamānenāpi nātidūre nāccāsanne nānupādaṃ nānusīsaṃ ṭhātabbaṃ.


Ñ(VI,27): Then he should stand not too far off or too near, or too much towards the feet or the head.

Atidūre ṭhitassa hi ārammaṇaṃ avibhūtaṃ hoti.


Ñ: For if he stands too far off, the object is not clear to him,

Accāsanne bhayamuppajjati.


Ñ: and if he stands too near, he may get frightened.

Anupādaṃ vā anusīsaṃ vā ṭhitassa sabbaṃ asubhaṃ samaṃ na paññāyati.


Ñ: If he stands too much towards the feet or the head, not all the foulness becomes manifest to him equally.

Tasmā nātidūre nāccāsanne olokentassa phāsukaṭṭhāne sarīravemajjhabhāge ṭhātabbaṃ.


Ñ: So he should stand not too far off or too near, opposite the middle of the body, in a place convenient for him to look at it.

Visuddhimagga VI-26

107. Evaṃ gatena pana na tāva asubhanimittaṃ oloketabbaṃ.


Ñ(VI,26): When he has gone there in this way, he should not at once look at the sign of foulness;

Disā vavatthapetabbā.


Ñ: he should make sure of the direction.

Ekasmiṃ hi disābhāge ṭhitassa ārammaṇañca na vibhūtaṃ hutvā khāyati, cittañca na kammaniyaṃ hoti.


Ñ: For perhaps if he stands in a certain direction, the object does not appear clearly to him and his mind is not wieldy.

Tasmā taṃ vajjetvā yattha ṭhitassa ārammaṇañca vibhūtaṃ hutvā khāyati, cittañca kammaniyaṃ hoti, tattha ṭhātabbaṃ.


Ñ: So rather than there he should stand where the object appears clearly and his mind is wieldy.

Paṭivātānuvātañca pahātabbaṃ.


Ñ: And he should avoid standing to leeward or to windward of it.

Paṭivāte ṭhitassa hi kuṇapagandhena ubbāḷhassa cittaṃ vidhāvati.


Ñ: For if he stands to leeward he is bothered by the corpse smell and his mind strays;

Anuvāte ṭhitassa sace tattha adhivatthā amanussā honti, te kujjhitvā anatthaṃ karonti.


Ñ: and if he stands to windward and non-human beings are dwelling there, they may get annoyed and do him a mischief.

Tasmā īsakaṃ ukkamma nātianuvāte ṭhātabbaṃ.


Ñ: So he should move round a little and not stand too much to windward. [183]

Visuddhimagga VI-25

No ca kho paṭivātaṃ.


Ñ(VI,25): And he should not approach it upwind;

Paṭivātaṃ gacchantassa hi kuṇapagandho ghānaṃ paharitvā matthaluṅgaṃ vā saṅkhobheyya, āhāraṃ vā chaḍḍāpeyya, vippaṭisāraṃ vā janeyya ‘‘īdisaṃ nāma kuṇapaṭṭhānaṃ āgatomhī’’ti.


Ñ: for if he did so and the smell of corpses assailed his nose, his brain might get upset, or he might throw up his food, or he might repent his coming, thinking 'What a place of corpses I have come to!'.

Tasmā paṭivātaṃ vajjetvā anuvātaṃ gantabbaṃ.


Ñ: So instead of approaching it upwind, he should go downwind.

Sace anuvātamaggena na sakkā hoti gantuṃ, antarā pabbato vā papāto vā pāsāṇo vā vati vā kaṇṭakaṭṭhānaṃ vā udakaṃ vā cikkhallaṃ vā hoti, cīvarakaṇṇena nāsaṃ pidahitvā gantabbaṃ.


Ñ: If he cannot go by a downwind path —— if there is a mountain or a ravine or a rock or a fence or a patch of thorns or water or a bog in the way ——, then he should go stopping his nose with the corner of his robe.

Idamassa gamanavattaṃ.


Ñ: These are the duties in going.

Visuddhimagga VI-24

Vihārato nikkhamanteneva asukadisāya asukadvārena nikkhantomhīti dvāraṃ sallakkhetabbaṃ.


Ñ(VI,24): As he goes out of the monastery he should note the gate: 'I have gone out in such a direction by such a gate'.

Tato yena maggena gacchati, so maggo vavatthapetabbo, ayaṃ maggo pācinadisābhimukho vā gacchati, pacchimauttaradakkhiṇadisābhimukho vā vidisābhimukhovāti.


Ñ: After that he should define the path by which he goes: 'This path goes in an easterly direction … westerly ... northerly ... southerly direction' or 'It goes in an intermediate direction';

Imasmiṃ pana ṭhāne vāmato gacchati, imasmiṃ ṭhāne dakkhiṇato, imasmiṃ cassa ṭhāne pāsāṇo, imasmiṃ vammiko, imasmiṃ rukkho, imasmiṃ gaccho, imasmiṃ latāti.


Ñ: and 'In this place it goes to the left, in this place to the right'; and 'In this place there is a stone, in this an ant-hill, in this a tree, in this a bush, in this a creeper'.

Evaṃ gamanamaggaṃ vavatthapentena nimittaṭṭhānaṃ gantabbaṃ.


Ñ: He should go to the place where the sign is, defining in this way the path by which he goes.

Visuddhimagga VI-23

106. Tasmā yo cittasaññattatthāya sivathikadassanaṃ gacchati, so ghaṇḍiṃ paharitvā gaṇaṃ sannipātetvāpi gacchatu.


Ñ(VI,23): So if he goes to the chamel ground to test his control of mind, let him do so after striking the gong or summoning a chapter.

Kammaṭṭhānasīsena pana gacchantena ekakena adutiyena mūlakammaṭṭhānaṃ avissajjetvā taṃ manasikaronteneva susāne soṇādiparissayavinodanatthaṃ kattaradaṇḍaṃ vā yaṭṭhiṃ vā gahetvā, sūpaṭṭhita bhāvasampādanena asammuṭṭhaṃ satiṃ katvā, manacchaṭṭhānañca indriyānaṃ antogatabhāvasampādanato abahigatamanena hutvā gantabbaṃ.

若以业处为首要之目的,则应不舍其(念佛等的)根本业处,于彼作意,为了避免冢间的犬等的危险,须拿手杖或棍 [PTS 182],坚住(于念佛等的根本业处),作念不忘,内摄第六意及诸根令不外向,无双单独而行。

Ñ: If he goes there mainly for [developing that] meditation subject, let him go alone with no companion, without renouncing his basic meditation subject and keeping it always in mind, taking a walking stick or a staff to keep off attacks by dogs, etc., [182] ensuring unremitting mindfulness by establishing it well, with his mind not turned outwards because he has ensured that his faculties, of which his mind is the sixth, are turned inwards.

Visuddhimagga VI-22

‘‘So ānisaṃsadassāvī ratanasaññī hutvā cittīkāraṃ upaṭṭhapetvā sampiyāyamāno tasmiṃ ārammaṇe cittaṃ upanibandhati ‘addhā imāya paṭipadāya jarāmaraṇamhā parimuccissāmī’ti.


Ñ(VI,22): 'When he has established reverence for it by seeing its advantages and by perceiving it as a treasure and so come to love it, he anchors his mind upon that object: "Surely in this way I shall be liberated from ageing and death".

So vivicceva kāmehi…pe… paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati.


Ñ: Quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unprofitable things he enters upon and dwells in the first jhāna ... [seclusion].

Tassādhigataṃ hoti rūpāvacaraṃ paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ dibbo ca vihāro bhāvanāmayañca puññakiriyavatthu’’nti.


Ñ: He has arrived at the first jhāna of the fine-material sphere. His is a heavenly abiding and an instance of the meritorious action consisting in [meditative] development'.

Visuddhimagga VI-21

‘‘Samantā nimittupalakkhaṇā kimatthiyā kimānisaṃsāti?


Ñ(VI,21): 'What is the purpose, what is the advantage of characterizing the surrounding signs?

Samantā nimittupalakkhaṇā asammohatthā asammohānisaṃsā.


Ñ: Characterizing the surrounding signs has non-delusion for its purpose, it has non-delusion for its advantage.

Ekādasavidhena nimittaggāho kimatthiyo kimānisaṃsoti?


Ñ: What is the purpose, what is the advantage of apprehending the sign in the [other] eleven ways?

Ekādasavidhena nimittaggāho upanibandhanattho upanibandhanānisaṃso.


Ñ: Apprehending the sign in the [other] eleven ways has anchoring [the mind] for its purpose, it has anchoring [the mind] for its advantage.

Gatāgatamaggapaccavekkhaṇā kimatthiyā kimānisaṃsāti?


Ñ: What is the purpose, what is the advantage of reviewing the path gone by and come by?

Gatāgatamaggapaccavekkhaṇā vīthisampaṭipādanatthā vīthisampaṭipādanānisaṃsā.


Ñ: Reviewing the path gone by and come by has keeping [the mind] on the track for its purpose, it has keeping [the mind] on the track for its advantage.

Visuddhimagga VI-20

So taṃ nimittaṃ suggahitaṃ karoti, sūpadhāritaṃ upadhāreti, suvavatthitaṃ vavatthapeti.


Ñ(VI,20): 'When he has properly apprehended the sign, properly remembered it, properly defined it,

So taṃ nimittaṃ suggahitaṃ katvā sūpadhāritaṃ upadhāretvā suvavatthitaṃ vavatthapetvā eko adutiyo gacchati upaṭṭhitāya satiyā asammuṭṭhāya antogatehi indriyehi abahigatena mānasena gatāgatamaggaṃ paccavekkhamāno.


Ñ: he goes alone with no companion, with unremitting mindfulness established, with his sense faculties turned inwards, with his mind not turned outwards, reviewing the path gone by and come by.

So caṅkamantopi tabbhāgiyaññeva caṅkamaṃ adhiṭṭhāti.


Ñ: When he walks, he resolves that his walk is oriented towards it;

Nisīdantopi tabbhāgiyaññeva āsanaṃ paññapeti.


Ñ: when he sits, he prepares a seat that is oriented towards it.

Visuddhimagga VI-19

Vuttañhetaṃ –


Ñ(VI,19): For this is said:

‘‘Uddhumātakaṃ asubhanimittaṃ uggaṇhanto eko adutiyo gacchati upaṭṭhitāya satiyā asammuṭṭhāya antogatehi indriyehi abahigatena mānasena gatāgatamaggaṃ paccavekkhamāno.


Ñ: 'One who is learning the bloated sign of foulness goes alone with no companion, with unremitting mindfulness established, with his sense faculties turned inwards, with his mind not turned outwards, reviewing the path gone by and come by.

Yasmiṃ padese uddhumātakaṃ asubhanimittaṃ nikkhittaṃ hoti, tasmiṃ padese pāsāṇaṃ vā vammikaṃ vā rukkhaṃ vā gacchaṃ vā lataṃ vā sanimittaṃ karoti, sārammaṇaṃ karoti.

在弃有膨胀 [PTS 181] 不净之相的地方,那里并有岩石、蚁塔、树、灌木、蔓草等相及所缘,

Ñ: In the place where the bloated sign of foulness [181] has been left he notes any stone or ant-hill or tree or bush or creeper there each with its particular sign and in relation to the object.

Sanimittaṃ katvā sārammaṇaṃ katvā uddhumātakaṃ asubhanimittaṃ sabhāvabhāvato upalakkheti, vaṇṇatopi liṅgatopi saṇṭhānatopi disatopi okāsatopi paricchedatopi sandhito vivarato ninnato thalato samantato.


Ñ: When he has done this, he characterizes the bloated sign of foulness by the fact of its having attained that particular individual essence (see §84). Then he sees that the sign is properly apprehended, that it is properly remembered, that it is properly defined, by its colour, by its mark, by its shape, by its direction, by its location, by its delimitation, by its joints, by its openings, by its concavities, by its convexities, and all round.

Visuddhimagga VI-18

Tasmā vuttappakārassa bhikkhuno kathetvā asubhanimittadassane sañjātābhilāsena yathānāma khattiyo abhisekaṭṭhānaṃ, yajamāno yaññasālaṃ, adhano vā pana nidhiṭṭhānaṃ pītisomanassajāto gacchati, evaṃ pītisomanassaṃ uppādetvā aṭṭhakathāsu vuttena vidhinā gantabbaṃ.


Ñ(VI,18): Therefore he should inform a bhikkhu of the kind described and then set out eager to see the sign, and as happy and joyful as a warrior-noble (khattiya) on his way to the scene of anointing, as one going to offer libations at the hall of sacrifice, or as a pauper on his way to unearth a hidden treasure. And he should go there in the way advised by the Commentaries.

Visuddhimagga VI-17

Apica susānaṃ nāma nirāsaṅkaṭṭhānanti maññamānā katakammāpi akatakammāpi corā samosaranti.


Ñ(VI,17): Besides, robbers may meet there thinking a charnel ground a safe place for them whether or not they have done anything wrong.

Te manussehi anubaddhā bhikkhussa samīpe bhaṇḍakaṃ chaḍḍetvāpi palāyanti.


Ñ: And when men chase them, they drop their goods near the bhikkhu and run away.

Manussā ‘‘sahoḍḍhaṃ coraṃ addasāmā’’ti bhikkhuṃ gahetvā viheṭhenti.


Ñ: Perhaps the men seize the bhikkhu, saying 'We have found the thief with the goods', and bully him.

Athassa so ‘‘mā imaṃ viheṭhayittha, mamāyaṃ kathetvā iminā nāma kammena gato’’ti te manusse saññāpetvā sotthibhāvaṃ karissati.


Ñ: Then he whom he told will explain to the men 'Do not bully him; he went to do this special work after telling me', and he will rescue him.

Ayaṃ ānisaṃso kathetvā gamane.


Ñ: This is the advantage of going only after informing someone.

Visuddhimagga VI-16



Ñ(VI,16): Why?

Sace hissa susāne amanussasīhabyagghādīnaṃ rūpasaddādianiṭṭhārammaṇābhibhūtassa aṅgapaccaṅgāni vā pavedhenti, bhuttaṃ vā na parisaṇṭhāti, añño vā ābādho hoti.


Ñ: Because if all his limbs are seized with shuddering at the charnel ground, or if his gorge rises when he is confronted with disagreeable objects such as the visible forms and sounds of non-human beings, lions, tigers, etc., or something else afflicts him,

Athassa so vihāre pattacīvaraṃ surakkhitaṃ karissati.


Ñ: then he whom he told will have his bowl and robe well looked after in the monastery,

Dahare vā sāmaṇere vā pahiṇitvā taṃ bhikkhuṃ paṭijaggissati.


Ñ: or he will care for him by sending young bhikkhus or novices to him.

Visuddhimagga VI-15

105. Gacchantena ca saṅghattherassa vā aññatarassa vā abhiññātassa bhikkhuno kathetvā gantabbaṃ.


Ñ(VI,15): And when he goes, he should do so only after he has spoken to the senior elder of the Community or to some well-known bhikkhu.

Visuddhimagga VI-14



Ñ(VI,14): Why not?

Asubhaṃ hi nāmetaṃ vāḷamigādhiṭṭhitampi amanussādhiṭṭhitampi hoti.


Ñ: Because this foulness is beset by wild beasts and non-human beings,

Tatrassa jīvitantarāyopi siyā.


Ñ: and he might risk his life there.

Gamanamaggo vā panettha gāmadvārena vā nahānatitthena vā kedārakoṭiyā vā hoti.


Ñ: Or perhaps the way to it goes by a village gate or a bathing place or an irrigated field,

Tattha visabhāgarūpaṃ āpāthamāgacchati, tadeva vā sarīraṃ visabhāgaṃ hoti.

那里可能发现异性之色,甚至那尸体便是异性 ──

Ñ: and there a visible object of the opposite sex might come into focus. Or perhaps the body is of the opposite sex;

Purisassa hi itthisarīraṃ itthiyā ca purisasarīraṃ visabhāgaṃ, tadetaṃ adhunāmataṃ subhatopi upaṭṭhāti, tenassa brahmacariyantarāyopi siyā.


Ñ: for a female body is unsuitable for a man, and a male body for a woman. If only recently dead, it may even look beautiful; hence there might be danger to the life of purity.

Sace pana ‘‘nayidaṃ mādisassa bhāriya’’nti attānaṃ takkayati, evaṃ takkayamānena gantabbaṃ.


Ñ: But if he judges himself thus, 'This is not difficult for one like me', then he can go there.

Visuddhimagga VI-13

104. Evaṃ viharantena ca asukasmiṃ nāma gāmadvāre vā aṭavimukhe vā panthe vā pabbatapāde vā rukkhamūle vā susāne vā uddhumātakasarīraṃ nikkhittanti kathentānaṃ vacanaṃ sutvāpi na tāvadeva atitthena pakkhandantena viya gantabbaṃ.

1)(为取不净相而前行的处所)如是修不净者,若听见人家说,在某某村口、林口、道路、山脚、树下,[PTS 180] 或冢墓间有膨胀的尸体丢在那里的时候,不要像在不妥当的渡头而即跳去。

Ñ(VI,13): Meanwhile, when he hears people saying that at some village gate or on some road or at some forest's edge or at the base of some rock or at the root of some tree [180] or on some charnel ground a bloated corpse is lying, he should not go there at once, like one who plunges into a river where there is no ford.

Visuddhimagga VI-12



103. Tattha uddhumātakasarīre uddhumātakanimittaṃ uppādetvā uddhumātakasaṅkhātaṃ jhānaṃ bhāvetukāmena yoginā pathavīkasiṇe vuttanayeneva vuttappakāraṃ ācariyaṃ upasaṅkamitvā kammaṭṭhānaṃ uggahetabbaṃ.


Ñ(VI,12): Herein, when a meditator wants to develop the jhāna called 'of the bloated' by arousing the sign of the bloated on a bloated body, he should in the way already described approach a teacher of the kind mentioned under the earth kasiṇa and learn the meditation subject from him.

Tenassa kammaṭṭhānaṃ kathentena asubhanimittatthāya gamanavidhānaṃ, samantā nimittupalakkhaṇaṃ, ekādasavidhena nimittaggāho, gatāgatamaggapaccavekkhaṇanti evaṃ appanāvidhānapariyosānaṃ sabbaṃ kathetabbaṃ.


Ñ: In explaining the meditation subject to him, the teacher should explain it all, that is, the directions for going with the aim of acquiring the sign of foulness, the characterizing of the surrounding signs, the eleven ways of apprehending the sign, the reviewing of the path gone by and come by, concluding with the directions for absorption.

Tenāpi sabbaṃ sādhukaṃ uggahetvā pubbe vuttappakāraṃ senāsanaṃ upagantvā uddhumātakanimittaṃ pariyesantena vihātabbaṃ.


Ñ: And when the meditator has learnt it all well, he should go to an abode of the kind already described and live there while seeking the sign of the bloated.

Visuddhimagga VI-11

Imāni ca pana uddhumātakādīni nissāya uppannanimittānampi nimittesu paṭiladdhajjhānānampetāneva nāmāni.


Ñ(VI,11): These names are also used both for the signs that arise with the bloated, etc., as their support, and for the jhānas obtained in the signs.

Visuddhimagga VI-10

Aṭṭhiyeva aṭṭhikaṃ.


Ñ(VI,10): A skeleton: bone (aṭṭhi) is the same as skeleton (aṭṭhika).

Paṭikkūlattā vā kucchitaṃ aṭṭhīti aṭṭhikaṃ.


Ñ: Or alternatively, bone (aṭṭhi) is vile (kucchita) because of repulsiveness, thus it is a skeleton (aṭṭhika).

Aṭṭhisaṅkhalikāyapi ekaṭṭhikassapetamadhivacanaṃ.


Ñ: This is a term both for a single bone and for a framework of bones.

Visuddhimagga VI-9

Puḷavā vuccanti kimayo, puḷave kiratīti puḷavakaṃ.


Ñ(VI,9): The worm-infested: it is maggots that are called worms (puḷuva); it sprinkles worms (puḷuve kirati), thus it is worm-infested (puḷuvaka).

Kimiparipuṇṇassa chavasarīrassetamadhivacanaṃ.


Ñ: This is a term for a corpse full of maggots.

Visuddhimagga VI-8

Lohitaṃ kirati vikkhipati ito cito ca paggharatīti lohitakaṃ.


Ñ(VI,8): The bleeding: it sprinkles (kirati), scatters, blood (lohita), and it trickles here and there, thus it is 'the bleeding (lohitaka)'.

Paggharitalohitamakkhitassa chavasarīrassetamadhivacanaṃ.


Ñ: This is a term for a corpse smeared with trickling blood.

Visuddhimagga VI-7

Hatañca taṃ purimanayeneva vikkhittakañcāti hatavikkhittakaṃ.


Ñ(VI,7): The hacked and scattered: it is hacked, and it is scattered in the way just described, thus it is 'hacked and scattered (hatavikkhittaka)'.

Kākapadākārena aṅgapaccaṅgesu satthena hanitvā vuttanayena vikkhittassa chavasarīrassetamadhivacanaṃ.


Ñ: This is a term for a corpse scattered in the way just described after it has been hacked with a knife in a crow's-foot pattern on every limb.

Visuddhimagga VI-6

Vividhaṃ khittaṃ vikkhittaṃ, vikkhittameva vikkhittakaṃ.


Ñ(VI,6): The scattered: what is strewed about (vividhaṃ khittaṃ) is scattered (vikkhittaṃ). What is scattered is the same as 'the scattered (vikkhittaka)'.

Paṭikkūlattā vā kucchitaṃ vikkhittanti vikkhittakaṃ.


Ñ: Or alternatively, what is scattered (yikkhitta) is vile (kucchita) because of repulsiveness, thus it is 'the scattered (vikkhittaka)'.

Aññena hatthaṃ aññena pādaṃ aññena sīsanti evaṃ tato tato khittassa chavasarīrassetamadhivacanaṃ.


Ñ: This is a term for a corpse that is strewed here and there in this way: 'Here a hand, there a foot, there the head' (cf. M.i,58).

Visuddhimagga VI-5

Ito ca etto ca vividhākārena soṇasiṅgālādīhi khāditanti vikkhāyitaṃ, vikkhāyitameva vikkhāyitakaṃ.


Ñ(VI,5): The gnawed: what has been chewed here and there in various ways by dogs, jackals, etc., is what is gnawed (vikkhāyita). What is gnawed is the same as 'the gnawed (vikkhāyitaka)'.

Paṭikkūlattā vā kucchitaṃ vikkhāyitanti vikkhāyitakaṃ.


Ñ: Or alternatively, what is gnawed (vikkhāyita) is vile (kucchita) because of repulsiveness, thus it is 'the gnawed (vikkhāyitaka)'.

Tathārūpassa chavasarīrassetamadhivacanaṃ.


Ñ: This is a term for a corpse in that particular state.

Visuddhimagga VI-4

Vicchiddaṃ vuccati dvidhā chindanena apadhāritaṃ, vicchiddameva vicchiddakaṃ.


Ñ(VI,4): The cut up: what has been opened up[(apadhārita)] by cutting it in two is called cut up (vicchidda). What is cut up is the same as 'the cut up (vicchiddaka)'.

Paṭikkūlattā vā kucchitaṃ vicchiddanti vicchiddakaṃ.


Ñ: Or alternatively, what is cut up (vicchidda) is vile (kucchita) because of repulsiveness, thus it is 'the cut up (vicchiddaka)'.

Vemajjhe chinnassa chavasarīrassetamadhivacanaṃ.

即与从中央剖开的尸体是同义语。[PTS 179]

Ñ: This is a term for a corpse cut in the middle. [179]

Visuddhimagga VI-3

Paribhinnaṭṭhānesu vissandamānaṃ pubbaṃ vipubbaṃ, vipubbameva vipubbakaṃ.


Ñ(VI,3): The festering: what is trickling with pus in broken places is festering (vipubba). What is festering is the same as 'the festering (vipubbaka)'.

Paṭikkūlattā vā kucchitaṃ vipubbanti vipubbakaṃ.


Ñ: Or alternatively, what is festering (vipubba) is vile (kucchita) because of repulsiveness, thus it is 'the festering (vipubbaka)'.

Tathārūpassa chavasarīrassetamadhivacanaṃ.


Ñ: This is a term for a corpse in that particular state.

Visuddhimagga VI-2

Vinīlaṃ vuccati viparibhinnanīlavaṇṇaṃ, vinīlameva vinīlakaṃ.


Ñ(VI,2): The livid: what has patchy discolouration is called livid (vinīla). What is livid is the same as 'the livid (vinīlaka)'.

Paṭikkūlattā vā kucchitaṃ vinīlanti vinīlakaṃ.


Ñ: Or alternatively, what is livid (vinīla) is vile (kucchita) because of repulsiveness, thus it is 'the livid (vinīlaka)'.

Maṃsussadaṭṭhānesu rattavaṇṇassa pubbasannicayaṭṭhānesu setavaṇṇassa yebhuyyena ca nīlavaṇṇassa nīlaṭṭhāne nīlasāṭakapārutasseva chavasarīrassetamadhivacanaṃ.


Ñ: This is a term for a corpse that is reddish-coloured in places where flesh is prominent, whitish-coloured in places where pus has collected, but mostly blue-black (nīla), as if draped with blue-black cloth in the blue-black places.

Visuddhimagga VI-1

6. Asubhakammaṭṭhānaniddeso

[PTS 178] 第六 说不净业处品



102. Kasiṇānantaramuddiṭṭhesu pana uddhumātakaṃ, vinīlakaṃ, vipubbakaṃ, vicchiddakaṃ, vikkhāyitakaṃ, vikkhittakaṃ, hatavikkhittakaṃ, lohitakaṃ, puḷavakaṃ, aṭṭhikanti dasasu aviññāṇakāsubhesu bhastā viya vāyunā uddhaṃ jīvitapariyādānā yathānukkamaṃ samuggatena sūnabhāvena uddhumātattā uddhumātaṃ, uddhumātameva uddhumātakaṃ.




Ñ(VI,1): [178] Now ten kinds of foulness, [as corpses] without consciousness, were listed next after the kasiṇas thus: the bloated, the livid, the festering, the cut up, the gnawed, the scattered, the hacked and scattered, the bleeding, the worm infested, a skeleton (Ch. III, §105).

Ñ: The bloated: it is bloated (uddhumāta) because bloated by gradual dilation and swelling after (uddhaṃ) the close of life, as a bellows is with wind. What is bloated (uddhumāta) is the same as 'the bloated' (uddhumātaka).

Notes in Chinese translation: 膨胀相(Uddhumātaka)、青瘀相(Vinīlaka)、脓烂相(Vipubbaka)、断坏相(Vicchiddaka)、食残相(Vikkhāyitaka)、散乱相(Vikkhittaka)、斩斫离散相(Hata-vikkhittaka)、血涂相(Lohitaka)、虫聚相(Puḷavaka)、骸骨相(Aṭṭhika)。《解脱道论》「膨胀相、青瘀相、溃烂相、斩斫离散相、食啖相、弃掷相、杀戮弃掷相、血涂染相、虫臭相、骨相」。

Sayādaw U Sīlānanda: The word 'ka' means the bloated is disgusting.

Paṭikkūlattā vā kucchitaṃ uddhumātanti uddhumātakaṃ.


Ñ: Or alternatively, what is bloated (uddhumāta) is vile (kucchita) because of repulsiveness, thus it is 'the bloated' (uddhumātaka).

Tathārūpassa chavasarīrassetaṃ adhivacanaṃ.


Ñ: This is a term for a corpse in that particular state.

MP3 Visuddhimagga Talks - part 12B

{12b-visuddhimagga-01} – (pp.184, para.41 – pp.184, para.42) General.

[The End of Chapter V – Description of Concentration – The remaining Kasiṇas]

[Chapter VI : Description of Concentration – Foulness as a Meditation Subject]

{12b-visuddhimagga-02} – (pp.185, para.1 – ...) The bloated...

{12b-visuddhimagga-03} – (...) … [Chapter VI] ...

{12b-visuddhimagga-04} – (...) … [Chapter VI] …

[The end of Chapter VI : Description of Concentration – Foulness as a Meditation Subject]

MP3 Visuddhimagga Talks - part 12A

[Chapter V : Description of Concentration – The remaining Kasiṇas]

{12a-visuddhimagga-01} – (pp.177, para.1 – pp.178, para.4) The Water Kasiṇa

{12a-visuddhimagga-02} – (pp.178, para.5 – pp.181, para.23) The Fire Kasiṇa, Air Kasiṇa, Blue Kasiṇa, Yellow Kasiṇa, Red Kasiṇa, Light Kasiṇa.

{12a-visuddhimagga-03} – (pp.181, para.24 – pp.182, para.28) The Limited-Space Kasiṇa, General.

{12a-visuddhimagga-04} – (pp.182, para.29 – pp.182, para.30) General.

{12a-visuddhimagga-05} – (pp.183, para.31 – pp.184, para.41) General.

Visuddhimagga V-42

Na kevalañca kasiṇeyeva, aññesupi kammaṭṭhānesu etesamekassapi bhāvanā na ijjhati.


Ñ(V,42): And this does not apply only to kasiṇas; for none of them will succeed in developing any meditation subject at all.

Tasmā vigatavipākāvaraṇenapi kulaputtena kammāvaraṇañca kilesāvaraṇañca ārakā parivajjetvā saddhammassavanasappurisūpanissayādīhi saddhañca chandañca paññañca vaḍḍhetvā kammaṭṭhānānuyoge yogo karaṇīyoti.


Ñ: So the task of devotion to a meditation subject must be undertaken by a clansman who has no hindrance by kamma-result, who shuns hindrance by kamma and by defilement, and who fosters faith, zeal and understanding by listening to the Dhamma, frequenting good men, and so on.

Iti sādhujanapāmojjatthāya kate visuddhimagge


Sesakasiṇaniddeso nāma

Pañcamo paricchedo.


Ñ: The fifth chapter called 'The Description of the Remaining Kasiṇas' in the Treatise on the Development of Concentration in the Path of Purification composed for the purpose of gladdening good people.

Visuddhimagga V-41

Tattha kammāvaraṇena samannāgatāti ānantariyakammasamaṅgino.


Ñ(V,41): Herein, the words hindered by kamma refer to those who possess bad kamma entailing immediate effect [on rebirth].

Ñ's notes: The five kinds of bad kamma with immediate effect on rebirth are, in that order of priority, matricide, parricide, arahanticide, intentional shedding of a Buddha's blood, and causing a schism in the Community, all of which cause rebirth in hell and remaining there for the remainder of the aeon (kappa), whatever other kinds of kamma may have been performed (MA.iv,109f.).

Kilesāvaraṇena samannāgatāti niyatamicchādiṭṭhikā ceva ubhatobyañjanakapaṇḍakā ca.


Ñ: By defilement: who have fixed wrong view or are hermaphrodites or eunuchs.

Ñ's notes: The no-cause view, moral-inefficacy-of-action view, the nihilistic view that there is no such thing as giving, and so on (see D. Sutta 2).

Vipākāvaraṇena samannāgatāti ahetukadvihetukapaṭisandhikā.


Ñ: By kamma-result: who have had a rebirth-linking with no [profitable] root-cause or with only two [profitable] root-causes.

Notes in Chinese translation: 由无因、二因而结生,参考第十四品。

Asaddhāti buddhādīsu saddhāvirahitā.


Ñ: Lack faith: are destitute of faith in the Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha.

Acchandikāti apaccanīkapaṭipadāyaṃ chandavirahitā.


Ñ: Zeal: are destitute of zeal for the unopposed way.

Duppaññāti lokiyalokuttarasammādiṭṭhiyā virahitā.


Ñ: Understanding: are destitute of mundane and supramundane right view.

Abhabbā niyāmaṃ okkamituṃ kusalesu dhammesu sammattanti kusalesu dhammesu niyāmasaṅkhātaṃ sammattasaṅkhātañca ariyamaggaṃ okkamituṃ abhabbāti attho.


Ñ: Will be incapable of entering into the certainty of rightness in profitable states means that they are incapable of entering into the Noble Path called 'certainty' and 'rightness in profitable states'.

Visuddhimagga V-40

101. Ye ca te sattā kammāvaraṇena vā samannāgatā kilesāvaraṇena vā samannāgatā vipākāvaraṇena vā samannāgatā asaddhā acchandikā duppaññā abhabbā niyāmaṃ okkamituṃ kusalesu dhammesu sammattanti vuttā, tesamekassāpekakasiṇepi bhāvanā na ijjhati.


Ñ(V,40): No kasiṇa can be developed by any living being described as follows: 'Beings hindered by kamma, by defilement or by kamma-result, who lack faith, zeal and understanding, will be incapable of entering into the certainty of lightness in profitable states' (Vbh. 341).

Visuddhimagga V-39

Tattha uddhanti uparigaganatalābhimukhaṃ.


Ñ(V,39): Herein, above is upwards towards the sky's level.

Adhoti heṭṭhābhūmitalābhimukhaṃ.


Ñ: Below is downwards towards the earth's level.

Tiriyanti khettamaṇḍalamiva samantā paricchinditaṃ.


Ñ: Around is marked off all around like the perimeter of a field.

Ekacco hi uddhameva kasiṇaṃ vaḍḍheti, ekacco adho, ekacco samantato.


Ñ: For one extends a kasiṇa upwards only, another downwards, another all round;

Tena tena vā kāraṇena evaṃ pasāreti. Ālokamiva dibbacakkhunā rūpadassanakāmo.


Ñ: or for some reason another projects it thus as one who wants to see visible objects with the divine eye projects light.

Tena vuttaṃ uddhamadhotiriyanti.

[PTS 177] 所以说上、下与横。

Ñ: [177] Hence 'above, below, around' is said.

Advayanti idaṃ pana ekassa aññabhāvānupagamanatthaṃ vuttaṃ.


Ñ: The word exclusive, however, shows that any one such state has nothing to do with any other.

Yathā hi udakaṃ paviṭṭhassa sabbadisāsu udakameva hoti, na aññaṃ, evameva pathavīkasiṇaṃ pathavīkasiṇameva hoti, natthi tassa añño kasiṇasambhedoti.


Ñ: Just as there is water and nothing else in all directions for one who is actually in water, so too, the earth kasiṇa is the earth kasiṇa only; it has nothing in common with any other kasiṇa.

Eseva nayo sabbattha.


Ñ: Similarly in each instance.

Appamāṇanti idaṃ tassa pharaṇaappamāṇavasena vuttaṃ.


Ñ: Measureless means measureless intentness.

Tañhi cetasā pharanto sakalameva pharati.


Ñ: He is intent upon the entirety with his mind,

Na ayamassa ādi idaṃ majjhanti pamāṇaṃ gaṇhātīti.


Ñ: taking no measurements in this way: 'This is its beginning, this is its middle'.

Visuddhimagga V-38

Sabbāneva uddhaṃ adho tiriyaṃ advayaṃ appamāṇanti imaṃ pabhedaṃ labhanti.


Ñ(V,38): The classification 'above, below, around, exclusive, measureless' applies to all kasiṇas;

Vuttañhetaṃ ‘‘pathavīkasiṇameko sañjānāti. Uddhamadhotiriyaṃ advayamappamāṇa’’ntiādi.


Ñ: for this is said: 'He perceives the earth kasiṇa above, below, around, exclusive, measureless' (M.ii,14), and so on.

Visuddhimagga V-37

Ākāsakasiṇavasena paṭicchannānaṃ vivaṭakaraṇaṃ, antopathavīpabbatādīsupi ākāsaṃ nimminitvā iriyāpathakappanaṃ, tirokuḍḍādīsu asajjamānagamananti evamādīni ijjhanti.


Ñ(V,37): The space kasiṇa is the basis for such powers as revealing the hidden, maintaining postures inside the earth and rocks by creating space inside them, travelling unobstructed through walls, and so on.

Visuddhimagga V-36

Ālokakasiṇavasena sappabhārūpanimmānaṃ, thinamiddhassa dūrabhāvakaraṇaṃ, andhakāravidhamanaṃ, dibbena cakkhunā rūpadassanatthaṃ ālokakaraṇanti evamādīni ijjhanti.


Ñ(V,36): The light kasiṇa is the basis for such powers as creating luminous forms, banishing stiffness and torpor, dispelling darkness, causing light for the purpose of seeing visible objects with the divine eye.

Visuddhimagga V-35

Odātakasiṇavasena odātarūpanimmānaṃ, thinamiddhassa dūrabhāvakaraṇaṃ, andhakāravidhamanaṃ, dibbena cakkhunā rūpadassanatthāya ālokakaraṇanti evamādīni ijjhanti.


Ñ(V,35): The white kasiṇa is the basis for such powers as creating white forms, banishing stiffness and torpor, dispelling darkness, causing light for the purpose of seeing visible objects with the divine eye.

Visuddhimagga V-34

Lohitakasiṇavasena lohitakarūpanimmānaṃ, vuttanayeneva abhibhāyatanapaṭilābho, subhavimokkhādhigamoti evamādīni ijjhanti.


Ñ(V,34): The red kasiṇa is the basis for such powers as creating red forms, acquisition of the bases of mastery in the way stated, and attainment of the liberation by the beautiful.

Visuddhimagga V-33

Pītakasiṇavasena pītakarūpanimmānaṃ, suvaṇṇanti adhimuccanā, vuttanayeneva abhibhāyatanapaṭilābho, subhavimokkhādhigamo cāti evamādīni ijjhanti.


Ñ(V,33): The yellow kasiṇa is the basis for such powers as creating yellow forms, resolving that something shall be gold (S.i,l 16), acquisition of the bases of mastery in the way stated, and attainment of the liberation by the beautiful.

Visuddhimagga V-32

Nīlakasiṇavasena nīlarūpanimmānaṃ, andhakārakaraṇaṃ, suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇanayena abhibhāyatanapaṭilābho, subhavimokkhādhigamoti evamādīni ijjhanti.


Ñ(V,32): The blue kasiṇa is the basis for such powers as creating black forms, causing darkness, acquisition of the bases of mastery by the method of fairness and ugliness, and attainment of the liberation by the beautiful (see M.ii,12).

Visuddhimagga V-31

Vāyokasiṇavasena vāyugatigamanaṃ, vātavuṭṭhisamuppādananti evamādīni ijjhanti.


Ñ(V,31): The air kasiṇa is the basis for such powers as going with the speed of the wind, causing wind storms.

Visuddhimagga V-30

Tejokasiṇavasena dhūmāyanā, pajjalanā, aṅgāravuṭṭhisamuppādanaṃ, tejasā tejopariyādānaṃ, yadeva so icchati tassa ḍahanasamatthatā, dibbena cakkhunā rūpadassanatthāya ālokakaraṇaṃ, parinibbānasamaye tejodhātuyā sarīrajjhāpananti evamādīni ijjhanti.

依于「火遍」,能出烟和燃烧,能降炭雨,以火灭火,[PTS 176] 欲燃则燃,为了要以天眼见东西而作诸光明,般涅盘之时能以火界荼毗其身体,有此等成就。

Ñ(V,30): The fire kasiṇa is the basis for such powers as smoking, flaming, causing showers of sparks, countering fire with fire, ability to burn only what one wants to burn (S,iv,290), [176] causing light for the purpose of seeing visible objects with the divine eye, burning up the body by means of the fire element at the time of attaining nibbāna (MA.iv,196).

Visuddhimagga V-29

Āpokasiṇavasena pathaviyaṃ ummujjananimmujjanaṃ, udakavuṭṭhisamuppādanaṃ, nadīsamuddādinimmānaṃ, pathavīpabbatapāsādādīnaṃ kampananti evamādīni ijjhanti.


Ñ(V,29): The water kasiṇa is the basis for such powers as diving in and out of the earth (D.i,78), causing rain, storms, creating rivers and seas, making the earth and rocks and palaces quake (M.i,253).

Visuddhimagga V-28


100. Imesu hi pathavīkasiṇavasena ekopi hutvā bahudhā hotītiādibhāvo, ākāse vā udake vā pathaviṃ nimminitvā padasā gamanaṃ, ṭhānanisajjādikappanaṃ vā, parittaappamāṇanayena abhibhāyatanapaṭilābhoti evamādīni ijjhanti.


Ñ(V,28): Of these, the earth kasiṇa is the basis for such powers as the state described as 'Having been one, he becomes many' (D.i,78), etc., and stepping or standing or sitting on space or on water by creating earth, and the acquisition of the bases of mastery (M.ii,13) by the limited and measureless method.

Visuddhimagga V-27



Iti kasiṇāni dasabalo,

Dasa yāni avoca sabbadhammadaso;

Rūpāvacaramhi catukkapañcakajjhānahetūni.

Evaṃ tāni ca tesañca,

Bhāvanānayamimaṃ viditvāna;

Tesveva ayaṃ bhiyyo,

Pakiṇṇakakathāpi viññeyyā.


说此为色界四种 ── 五种禅因的十遍。



Ñ(V,27): He with Ten Powers, who all things did see,

Tells ten kasiṇas, each of which can be

The cause of fourfold and of fivefold jhāna,

The fine-material sphere's own master key.

Now knowing their descriptions and the way

To tackle each and how they are developed,

There are some further points that will repay

Study, each with its special part to play.

Visuddhimagga V-26

Idha uggahanimittaṃ saddhiṃ bhittipariyantādīhi chiddasadisameva hoti, vaḍḍhiyamānampi na vaḍḍhati.


Ñ(V,26): Here the learning sign resembles the hole together with the wall, etc., that surrounds it. Attempts to extend it fail.

Paṭibhāganimittamākāsamaṇḍalameva hutvā upaṭṭhāti, vaḍḍhiyamānañca vaḍḍhati.


Ñ: The counterpart sign appears only as a circle of space. Attempts to extend it succeed.

Sesaṃ pathavīkasiṇe vuttanayeneva veditabbanti.


Ñ: The rest should be understood as described under the earth kasiṇa.

Ñ's notes: In the Suttas the first eight kasiṇas are the same as those given here, and they are the only ones mentioned in the Dhammasaṅgaṇī (§160-203) and Paṭisambhidā (Ps.i,6). The Suttas give space and consciousness as ninth and tenth respectively (M.ii,14-15; D.iii,268; Netti 89, etc.). But these last two appear to coincide with the first two immaterial states, that is, boundless space and boundless consciousness. The light kasiṇa given here as ninth does not appear in the Suttas. It is perhaps a development from the 'perception of light' (āloka-saññā) (A.ii,45). The limited-space kasiṇa given here as tenth has perhaps been made 'limited' in order to differentiate it from the first immaterial state. The commentary on the consciousness kasiṇa (MA.iii,261) says nothing on this aspect. As to space, Pm. (p. 373) says: 'The attainment of the immaterial states is not produced by means of the space kasiṇa, and with the words "ending with the white kasiṇa" (Ch. XXI, §2) the light kasiṇa is included in the white kasiṇa'. For description of space (ākāsa) see DhsA. 325, Netti 29. Also Pm. (p. 393) defines space thus: 'Wherever there is no obstruction, that is called space'. Again the Majjhima-nikaya Ṭikā (commenting on M. Sutta 106) remarks: '[Sense desires] are not called empty (ritta) in the sense that space, which is entirely devoid of individual essence, is called empty'.


Ñ: The limited-space kasiṇa.

Chew: 「限定虚空遍」.

Visuddhimagga V-25

Itarena succhannamaṇḍape vā cammakaṭasārakādīnaṃ vā aññatarasmiṃ vidatthicaturaṅgulappamāṇaṃ chiddaṃ katvā tadeva vā bhittichiddādibhedaṃ chiddaṃ ‘‘ākāso ākāso’’ti bhāvetabbaṃ.


Ñ(V,25): Anyone else should make a hole a span and four fingers broad in a well-thatched hut, or in a piece of leather, or in a rush mat, and so on. He should develop one of these, or a hole such as a hole in a wall, as 'space, space'.

Visuddhimagga V-24




Notes in Chinese translation:「限定虚空遍」(paricchinnākāsakasiṇa),《解脱道论》「虚空一切入」。

99. Paricchinnākāsakasiṇepi ākāsakasiṇaṃ uggaṇhanto ākāsasmiṃ nimittaṃ gaṇhāti bhittichidde vā tāḷacchidde vā vātapānantarikāya vāti vacanato katādhikārassa tāva puññavato bhittichiddādīsu aññataraṃ disvāva nimittaṃ uppajjati.


Ñ(V,24): Of the limited-space kasiṇa it is said: 'One who is learning the space kasiṇa apprehends the sign in a hole in a wall, or in a keyhole, or in a window opening'. So firstly, when someone has merit, having had previous practice, the sign arises in him when he sees any [such gap as a] hole in a wall.

Visuddhimagga V-23

Idha uggahanimittaṃ bhittiyaṃ vā bhūmiyaṃ vā uṭṭhitamaṇḍalasadisameva hoti.


Ñ(V,23): Here the learning sign is like the circle thrown on the wall or the ground.

Paṭibhāganimittaṃ ghanavippasannaālokapuñjasadisaṃ.


Ñ: The counterpart sign is like a compact bright cluster of lights.

Sesaṃ tādisamevāti.


Ñ: The rest is as before.


Ñ: The light kasiṇa.

Chew: 「光明遍」.

Visuddhimagga V-22

Itarenāpi tadeva vuttappakāramobhāsamaṇḍalaṃ ‘‘obhāso obhāso’’ti vā ‘‘āloko āloko’’ti vā bhāvetabbaṃ.


Ñ(V,22): Anyone else should use that same kind of circle of luminosity just described, developing it as 'luminosity, luminosity' or 'light, light'.

Tathā asakkontena ghaṭe dīpaṃ jāletvā ghaṭamukhaṃ pidahitvā ghaṭe chiddaṃ katvā bhittimukhaṃ ṭhapetabbaṃ.


Ñ: If he cannot do so, he can light a lamp inside a pot, close the pot's mouth, make a hole in it and place it with the hole facing a wall.

Tena chiddena dīpāloko nikkhamitvā bhittiyaṃ maṇḍalaṃ karoti, taṃ āloko ālokoti bhāvetabbaṃ.

这样从瓮孔中透出的灯光照到壁上便成为曼陀罗,然后对它作「[PTS 175] 光明、光明」的修习。

Ñ: The lamplight coming out of the hole throws a circle on the wall. He should develop that [175] as 'light, light'.

Idamitarehi ciraṭṭhitikaṃ hoti.


Ñ: This lasts longer than the other kinds.

Visuddhimagga V-21




Notes in Chinese translation:「光明遍」(āloka-kasiṇa),《解脱道论》「光明一切入」。

98. Ālokakasiṇe pana ālokakasiṇaṃ uggaṇhanto ālokasmiṃ nimittaṃ gaṇhāti bhittichidde vā tāḷacchidde vā vātapānantarikāya vāti vacanato katādhikārassa tāva puññavato yaṃ bhittichiddādīnaṃ aññatarena sūriyāloko vā candāloko vā pavisitvā bhittiyaṃ vā bhūmiyaṃ vā maṇḍalaṃ samuṭṭhāpeti, ghanapaṇṇarukkhasākhantarena vā ghanasākhāmaṇḍapantarena vā nikkhamitvā bhūmiyameva maṇḍalaṃ samuṭṭhāpeti, taṃ disvāva nimittaṃ uppajjati.


Ñ(V,21): Of the light kasiṇa it is said: 'One who is learning the light kasiṇa apprehends the sign in light in a hole in a wall, or in a keyhole, or in a window opening'. So firstly, when someone has merit, having had previous practice, the sign arises in him when he sees the circle thrown on a wall or a floor by sunlight or moonlight entering through a hole in a wall, etc., or when he sees a circle thrown on the ground by sunlight or moonlight coming through a gap in the branches of a dense-leaved tree or through a gap in a hut made of closely packed branches.

Visuddhimagga V-20

Itarena vuttappakārehi odātapupphehi vā odātavatthena vā dhātunā vā nīlakasiṇe vuttanayeneva kasiṇaṃ katvā ‘‘odātaṃ odāta’’nti manasikāro pavattetabbo.


Ñ(V,20): Anyone else should make a kasiṇa, in the way already described for the blue kasiṇa, with the white flowers already mentioned, or with cloth or colour element. He should bring it to mind as 'white, white'.

Sesaṃ tādisamevāti.


Ñ: The rest is as before.


Ñ: The white kasiṇa.

Chew: 「白遍」.

Visuddhimagga V-19




Notes in Chinese translation:「白遍」(odāta-kasiṇa),《解脱道论》「白一切入」。

97. Odātakasiṇepi odātakasiṇaṃ uggaṇhanto odātasmiṃ nimittaṃ gaṇhāti pupphasmiṃ vā vatthasmiṃ vā vaṇṇadhātuyā vāti vacanato katādhikārassa tāva puññavato tathārūpaṃ mālāgacchaṃ vā vassikasumanādipupphasantharaṃ vā kumudapadumarāsiṃ vā odātavatthadhātūnaṃ vā aññataraṃ disvāva nimittaṃ uppajjati, tipumaṇḍalarajatamaṇḍalacandamaṇḍalesupi uppajjatiyeva.


Ñ(V,19): Of the white kasiṇa it is said: 'One who is learning the white kasiṇa apprehends the sign in white, either in a flower or in a cloth or in a colour element'. So firstly, when someone has merit, having had previous practice, the sign arises in him when he sees a flowering bush of such a kind or vassikasumana (jasmine) flowers, etc., spread out, or a heap of white lotuses or lilies, white cloth or colour element; and it also arises in a tin disk, a silver disk, and the moon's disk.

Visuddhimagga V-18

Itarena jayasumanabandhujīvakarattakoraṇḍakādipupphehi vā rattavatthena vā dhātunā vā nīlakasiṇe vuttanayeneva kasiṇaṃ katvā ‘‘lohitakaṃ lohitaka’’nti manasikāro pavattetabbo.


Ñ(V,18): But anyone else should make a kasiṇa, in the way already described for the blue kasiṇa, with jayasumana flowers or bandhujīvaka or red koraṇḍaka flowers, etc., or with red cloth or with a colour element. He should bring it to mind as 'red, red'.

Sesaṃ tādisamevāti.


Ñ: The rest is as before.


Ñ: The red kasiṇa.

Chew: 「赤遍」.

Visuddhimagga V-17




Notes in Chinese translation:「赤遍」(lohita-kasiṇa),《解脱道论》「赤一切入」。

96. Lohitakasiṇepi eseva nayo.


Ñ(V,17): Likewise with the red kasiṇa;

Vuttañhetaṃ lohitakasiṇaṃ uggaṇhanto lohitakasmiṃ nimittaṃ gaṇhāti pupphasmiṃ vā vatthasmiṃ vā vaṇṇadhātuyā vāti.

即如此说,「把取赤遍之人对于花 [PTS 174] 或布或有颜色的东西而取其赤相」。

Ñ: for this is said: 'One who is learning the red kasiṇa apprehends the sign in red, [174] either in a flower or in a cloth or in a colour element'.

Tasmā idhāpi katādhikārassa puññavato tathārūpaṃ bandhujīvakādimālāgacchaṃ vā pupphasantharaṃ vā lohitakavatthamaṇidhātūnaṃ vā aññataraṃ disvāva nimittaṃ uppajjati.

故于此中,若有过去经验而具福者,则看见任何这样赤色的盘陀祇梵迦 等的花丛或花席,或赤色的布及宝石与有颜色的东西,都能生起其相。

Ñ: Therefore here too, when someone has merit, having had previous practice, the sign arises in him when he sees a bandhujīvaka (hibiscus) bush, etc., in flower, or such flowers spread out, or a red cloth or gem or colour element.

Notes in the Chinese translation: 盘陀祇梵迦(bandhujīvakā)。《解脱道论》「盘偷时婆」。

Visuddhimagga V-16

Itarena kaṇikārapupphādinā vā pītavatthena vā dhātunā vā nīlakasiṇe vuttanayeneva kasiṇaṃ katvā ‘‘pītakaṃ pītaka’’nti manasikāro pavattetabbo.


Ñ(V,16): Anyone else should make a kasiṇa, in the way described for the blue kasiṇa, with kaṇikāra flowers, etc., or with yellow cloth or with a colour element. He should bring it to mind as 'yellow, yellow'.

Notes in Chinese translation:「迦尼迦罗」(kaṇikāra),《解脱道论》「迦尼迦罗」。

Sesaṃ tādisamevāti.


Ñ: The rest is as before.


Ñ: The yellow kasiṇa.

Chew: 「黄遍」.

Visuddhimagga V-15




Notes in Chinese translation: 「黄遍」(pīta-kasiṇa),《解脱道论》「黄一切入」。

95. Pītakasiṇepi eseva nayo.


Ñ(V,15): Likewise with the yellow kasiṇa;

Vuttañhetaṃ pītakasiṇaṃ uggaṇhanto pītakasmiṃ nimittaṃ gaṇhāti pupphasmiṃ vā vatthasmiṃ vā vaṇṇadhātuyā vāti.


Ñ: for this is said: 'One who is learning the yellow kasiṇa apprehends the sign in yellow, either in a flower or in a cloth or in a colour element'.

Tasmā idhāpi katādhikārassa puññavato tathārūpaṃ mālāgacchaṃ vā pupphasantharaṃ vā pītavatthadhātūnaṃ vā aññataraṃ disvāva nimittaṃ uppajjati cittaguttattherassa viya.


Ñ: Therefore here too, when someone has merit, having had previous practice, the sign arises in him when he sees a flowering bush or flowers spread out, or yellow cloth or colour element, as in the case of the Elder Cittagutta.

Tassa kirāyasmato cittalapabbate pattaṅgapupphehi kataṃ āsanapūjaṃ passato saha dassaneneva āsanappamāṇaṃ nimittaṃ udapādi.


Ñ: That venerable one, it seems, saw an offering being made on the flower altar, with pattaṅga flowers at Cittalapabbata, and as soon as he saw it the sign arose in him the size of the flower altar.

Visuddhimagga V-14

Idhāpi uggahanimitte kasiṇadoso paññāyati, kesaradaṇḍakapattantarikādīni upaṭṭhahanti.


Ñ(V,14): And here too any fault in the kasiṇa is evident in the learning sign; the stamens and stalks and the gaps between the petals, etc., are apparent.

Paṭibhāganimittaṃ kasiṇamaṇḍalato muñcitvā ākāse maṇitālavaṇṭasadisaṃ upaṭṭhāti.


Ñ: The counterpart sign appears like a crystal fan in space, free from the kasiṇa disk.

Sesaṃ vuttanayeneva veditabbanti.


Ñ: The rest should be understood as already described.


Ñ: The blue kasiṇa.

Chew: 「青遍」.

Visuddhimagga V-13

Itarena nīluppalagirikaṇṇikādīni pupphāni gahetvā yathā kesaraṃ vā vaṇṭaṃ vā na paññāyati, evaṃ caṅgoṭakaṃ vā karaṇḍapaṭalaṃ vā pattehiyeva samatittikaṃ pūretvā santharitabbaṃ.


Ñ(V,13): [173] But anyone else should take flowers such as blue lotuses, girikaṇṇikā (morning glory) flowers, etc., and spread them out to fill a tray or a flat basket completely so that no stamen or stalk shows or with only their petals.

Notes in Chinese translation: 结黎根尼迦(girikaṇṇikā),即蓝蝴蝶(clitoria ternatea),花大而色深蓝,远看之酷似蝴蝶。

Nīlavaṇṇena vā vatthena bhaṇḍikaṃ bandhitvā pūretabbaṃ.


Ñ: Or he can fill it with blue cloth bunched up together;

Mukhavaṭṭiyaṃ vā assa bheritalamiva bandhitabbaṃ.


Ñ: or he can fasten the cloth over the rim of the tray or basket like the covering of a drum.

Kaṃsanīlapalāsanīlaañjananīlānaṃ vā aññatarena dhātunā pathavīkasiṇe vuttanayena saṃhārimaṃ vā bhittiyaṃyeva vā kasiṇamaṇḍalaṃ katvā visabhāgavaṇṇena paricchinditabbaṃ.


Ñ: Or he can make a kasiṇa disk, either portable as described under the earth kasiṇa or on a wall, with one of the colour elements such as bronze-green, leaf-green, anjana-ointment black, surrounding it with a different colour.

Tato pathavīkasiṇe vuttanayena ‘‘nīlaṃ nīla’’nti manasikāro pavattetabbo.


Ñ: After that, he should bring it to mind as 'blue, blue' in the way already described under the earth kasiṇa.

Visuddhimagga V-12




Notes in Chinese translation: 「青遍」(nīla-kasiṇa),《解脱道论》「青一切入」。

Sayādaw U Sīlānanda: The word 'nīla' means black, dark blue, dark green; in Burma, 'nīla' is called brown.

94. Tadanantaraṃ pana nīlakasiṇaṃ uggaṇhanto nīlakasmiṃ nimittaṃ gaṇhāti pupphasmiṃ vā vatthasmiṃ vā vaṇṇadhātuyā vāti vacanato katādhikārassa puññavato tāva tathārūpaṃ mālāgacchaṃ vā pūjāṭhānesu pupphasantharaṃ vā nīlavatthamaṇīnaṃ vā aññataraṃ disvāva nimittaṃ uppajjati.

以后:「把取青遍者,即把取于花,或布,或于布颜色的青相」,依此语,对于已有经验的具福者无论见到那样青色的花丛,奉供之处的花席,或青布 [PTS 173] 及宝石等,都可生起于相,

Ñ(V,12): Next it is said [in the Commentaries]: 'One who is learning the blue kasiṇa apprehends the sign in blue, whether in a flower or in a cloth or in a colour element'. Firstly, when someone has merit, having had previous practice, the sign arises in him when he sees a bush with blue flowers, or such flowers spread out on a place of offering, or any blue cloth or gem.

Notes in Chinese translation: '以后' - 指义疏中说。

Ñ's notes: 'Vaṇṇa-dhātu – colour element' should perhaps have been rendered simply by 'paint'. The one Pāḷi word 'nīla' has to serve for the English blue, green, and sometimes black.

Visuddhimagga V-11

Idha uggahanimittavaḍḍhanato otāritamattassa pāyāsassa usumavaṭṭisadisaṃ calaṃ hutvā upaṭṭhāti.


Ñ(V,11): Here the learning sign appears to move like the swirl of hot [steam] on rice gruel just withdrawn from an oven.

Paṭibhāganimittaṃ sannisinnaṃ hoti niccalaṃ.


Ñ: The counterpart sign is quiet and motionless.

Sesaṃ vuttanayeneva veditabbanti.


Ñ: The rest should be understood in the way already described.


Ñ: The air kasiṇa.

Chew: 「风遍」.

Visuddhimagga V-10

Tasmā samasīsaṭṭhitaṃ ghanapattaṃ ucchuṃ vā veḷuṃ vā rukkhaṃ vā caturaṅgulappamāṇaṃ ghanakesassa purisassa sīsaṃ vā vātena pahariyamānaṃ disvā ‘‘ayaṃ vāto etasmiṃ ṭhāne paharatī’’ti satiṃ ṭhapetvā, yaṃ vā panassa vātapānantarikāya vā bhittichiddena vā pavisitvā vāto kāyappadesaṃ paharati, tattha satiṃ ṭhapetvā vātamālutaanilādīsu vāyunāmesu pākaṭanāmavaseneva ‘‘vāto vāto’’ti bhāvetabbaṃ.


Ñ(V,10): So when he sees sugarcanes with dense foliage standing with tops level or bamboos or trees, or else hair four fingers long on a man's head, being struck by the wind, he should establish mindfulness in this way: 'This wind is striking on this place'. Or he can establish mindfulness where the wind strikes a part of his body after entering by a window opening or by a crack in a wall, and using any among the names for wind (vāta) beginning with 'wind' (vāta), 'breeze' (māluta), 'blowing' (anila), he should develop [the kasiṇa] by using [preferably] the obvious 'air, air'.

Visuddhimagga V-9




Notes in Chinese translation: 「风遍」(vāyo-kasiṇa),《解脱道论》「风一切入」。

93. Vāyokasiṇaṃ bhāvetukāmenāpi vāyusmiṃ nimittaṃ gaṇhitabbaṃ.


Ñ(V,9): Anyone who wants to develop the air kasiṇa should apprehend the sign in air.

Tañca kho diṭṭhavasena vā phuṭṭhavasena vā.


Ñ: And that is done either by sight or by touch.

Vuttañhetaṃ aṭṭhakathāsu ‘‘vāyokasiṇaṃ uggaṇhanto vāyusmiṃ nimittaṃ gaṇhāti, ucchaggaṃ vā eritaṃ sameritaṃ upalakkheti, veḷaggaṃ vā…pe… rukkhaggaṃ vā kesaggaṃ vā eritaṃ sameritaṃ upalakkheti, kāyasmiṃ vā phuṭṭhaṃ upalakkhetī’’ti.


Ñ: For this is said in the Commentaries: 'One who is learning the air kasiṇa apprehends the sign in air. He notices the tops of [growing] sugarcane moving to and fro; or he notices the tops of bamboos, or the tops of trees, or the ends of the hair, moving to and fro; or he notices the touch of it on the body'.

Visuddhimagga V-8

Tassevaṃ bhāvayato anukkamena vuttanayeneva nimittadvayaṃ uppajjati.


Ñ(V,8): As he develops it in this way the two signs eventually arise in him as already described.

Tattha uggahanimittaṃ jālaṃ chijjitvā chijjitvā patanasadisaṃ hutvā upaṭṭhāti.

此中「取相」的显现,其火焰如破裂而射落。[PTS 172]

Ñ: Herein, the learning sign appears like [the fire to keep] sinking down as the flame keeps detaching itself. [172]

Akate gaṇhantassa pana kasiṇadoso paññāyati, alātakhaṇḍaṃ vā aṅgārapiṇḍo vā chārikā vā dhūmo vā upaṭṭhāti.


Ñ: But when someone apprehends it in a kasiṇa that is not made up, any fault in the kasiṇa is evident [in the learning sign], and any firebrand, or pile of embers or ashes, or smoke appears in it.

Paṭibhāganimittaṃ niccalaṃ ākāse ṭhapitarattakambalakkhaṇḍaṃ viya suvaṇṇatālavaṇṭaṃ viya kañcanatthambho viya ca upaṭṭhāti.


Ñ: The counterpart sign appears motionless like a piece of red cloth set in space, like a gold fan, like a gold column.

So tassa saha upaṭṭhāneneva upacārajjhānaṃ, vuttanayeneva catukkapañcakajjhānāni ca pāpuṇātīti.


Ñ: With its appearance he reaches access jhāna and the jhāna tetrad and pentad in the way already described.


Ñ: The fire kasiṇa.

Chew: 「火遍」.