Etena sabbampi rūpaṃ ruppanalakkhaṇe
rāsibhāvūpagamanena rūpakkhandhoti dassitaṃ hoti. Na hi rūpato
añño rūpakkhandho nāma atthi.
Ñ(XIV,196): By this, too, it is shown
that the materiality aggregate is all materiality, which all comes
into the collection with the characteristic of being molested; for
there is no materiality aggregate apart from materiality. [474]
498. Yathā ca rūpaṃ, evaṃ
vedanādayopi vedayitalakkhaṇādīsu rāsibhāvūpagamanena. Na hi
vedanādīhi aññe vedanākkhandhādayo nāma atthi.
Ñ: And just as in the case of
materiality, so also feeling, etc., [are respectively shown as the
feeling aggregate, etc.,] since they come under the collections with
the [respective] characteristics of being felt, etc.; for there is no
feeling aggregate apart from feeling and so on.