Visuddhimagga I-64

‘‘Tattha katamā nippesikatā? Lābhasakkārasilokasannissitassa pāpicchassa icchāpakatassa yā paresaṃ akkosanā vambhanā garahanā ukkhepanā samukkhepanā khipanā saṃkhipanā pāpanā sampāpanā avaṇṇahārikā parapiṭṭhimaṃsikatā, ayaṃ vuccati nippesikatā.

什么是瞋骂示相(nippesikatā)?即为利养、恭敬、名誉所执着的恶欲者、为欲所败者,对于他人怒骂、侮蔑[wǔ miè]、呵责、冷语、极冷语、嘲笑、极嘲笑、恶口、极恶口、恶宣传、阴口,是名瞋骂示相。

Ñ(I,64): 'Herein, what is belittling(nippesikatā)? Abusing of others, disparaging, reproaching, snubbing, continual snubbing, ridicule, continual ridicule, denigration, continual denigration, tale-bearing, backbiting, on the part of one bent on gain, honour and renown, of one of evil wishes, a prey to wishes - this is called belittling.

Han: The nearest English meaning of the Burmese translation of 'icchāpakato' is: “afflicted by desires” or “oppressed by desires”.

Most of the English translations are in line with the Burmese translation.

belittling (nippesikatā) abusing, ridiculing, snubbing, etc. with the aim to gain laabha.
abusing (akkosanā) abusing.
disparaging (vambhanā) saying with contempt.
reproaching (garahanā) reproaching.
snubbing (ukkhepanā) sarcastic [e.g. saying the follower who never donates as the *great donor*].
continual snubbing (samukkhepanā) continually sarcastic.
ridicule (khipanā) ridicule.
continual ridicule (saṃkhipanā) continual ridicule.
denigration (pāpanā) denigration [e.g. saying that this follower never donates].
continual denigration (sampāpanā) continual denigration.
tale-bearing (avaṇṇahārikā) tale-bearing [e.g. saying that this follower is ungrateful person].
backbiting (parapiṭṭhimaṃsikatā) backbiting [talking ill of him at his back].

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Acknowledgment: Thanks to Buddhist Publication Society (BPS) and Venerable Nyanatusita for allowing me to use the English translation of the Visuddhimagga (The Path Of Purification) by Bhadantācariya Buddhaghosa, translated from the Pāḷi by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, as part of a combined Chinese English translation.

Sādhu ! Sādhu ! Sādhu !