Visuddhimagga XII-102

396. Imepi candimasūriye evaṃmahiddhike evaṃmahānubhāve pāṇinā parāmasati parimajjatīti ettha candimasūriyānaṃ dvācattālīsayojanasahassassa upari caraṇena mahiddhikatā, tīsu dīpesu ekakkhaṇe ālokakaraṇena mahānubhāvatā veditabbā.

9)(手触日月神变)「手能触拭有大神力有大威德的日月」的句中:日月运行于四万二千由旬的上方,故「有大神力」;一剎那间,光照三洲,故「有大威德」。[PTS 398]

Ñ(XII,102): With his hand he touches and strokes the moon and sun so mighty and powerful: here the 'might' of the moon and sun should be understood to consist in the fact that they travel at an altitude of forty-two thousand leagues, and their 'power' to consist in their simultaneous illuminating of three [of the four] continents. [398]

Evaṃ upari caraṇaālokakaraṇehi vā mahiddhike teneva mahānubhāve.


Ñ: Or they are 'mighty' because they travel overhead and give light as they do, and they are 'powerful' because of that same might.

Parāmasatīti pariggaṇhati ekadese vā chupati.


Ñ: He touches: he seizes, or he touches in one place.

Parimajjatīti samantato ādāsatalaṃ viya parimajjati.


Ñ: Strokes: he strokes all over, as if it were the surface of a looking-glass.

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Acknowledgment: Thanks to Buddhist Publication Society (BPS) and Venerable Nyanatusita for allowing me to use the English translation of the Visuddhimagga (The Path Of Purification) by Bhadantācariya Buddhaghosa, translated from the Pāḷi by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, as part of a combined Chinese English translation.

Sādhu ! Sādhu ! Sādhu !