Visuddhimagga XII-72

Devorohaṇenapi ca ayamattho vibhāvetabbo.


Ñ(XII,72): And this meaning should also be explained by means of the Descent of the Gods (devorohana).

Bhagavā kira yamakapāṭihāriyaṃ katvā caturāsītipāṇasahassāni bandhanā pamocetvā atītā buddhā yamakapāṭihāriyāvasāne kuhiṃ gatāti āvajjitvā tāvatiṃsabhavanaṃ gatāti addasa.

据说世尊曾作双神变,使八万四千生类解除结缚。他念「过去诸佛行过双神变后至于何处」?并知至三十三天。[PTS 391]

Ñ: When the Blessed One, it seems, had performed the Twin Miracle and had liberated eighty-four thousand beings from bonds, he wondered, 'Where did the past Enlightened Ones go to when they had finished the Twin Miracle?'. He saw that they had gone to the heaven of the Thirty-three. [391]

Athekena pādena pathavītalaṃ akkamitvā dutiyaṃ yugandharapabbate patiṭṭhapetvā puna purimapādaṃ uddharitvā sinerumatthakaṃ akkamitvā tattha paṇḍukambalasilātale vassaṃ upagantvā sannipatitānaṃ dasasahassacakkavāḷadevatānaṃ ādito paṭṭhāya abhidhammakathaṃ ārabhi.


Ñ: Then he stood with one foot on the surface of the earth, and placed the second on Mount Yugandhara. Then again he lifted his first foot and set it on the summit of Mount Sineru. He took up the residence for the Rains there on the Red Marble Terrace, and he began his exposition of the Abhidhamma, starting from the beginning, to the deities of ten thousand world-spheres.

Notes in Chinese translation: 据南传上座部的传说,佛上三十三天为佛母摩耶夫人说法,在那里三个月为诸天说阿毗达摩,每天再为舍利弗略说,由舍利弗为诸比丘说,这是南传七论的来源。

Bhikkhācāravelāya nimmitabuddhaṃ māpesi. So dhammaṃ deseti.


Ñ: At the time for wandering for alms he created an artificial Buddha to teach the Dhamma.

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Acknowledgment: Thanks to Buddhist Publication Society (BPS) and Venerable Nyanatusita for allowing me to use the English translation of the Visuddhimagga (The Path Of Purification) by Bhadantācariya Buddhaghosa, translated from the Pāḷi by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, as part of a combined Chinese English translation.

Sādhu ! Sādhu ! Sādhu !