Visuddhimagga XII-33

Khāṇukoṇḍaññatthero pana pakatiyāva samāpattibahulo. So aññatarasmiṃ araññe rattiṃ samāpattiṃ appetvā nisīdi. Pañcasatā corā bhaṇḍakaṃ thenetvā gacchantā ‘‘idāni amhākaṃ anupathaṃ āgacchantā natthī’’ti vissamitukāmā bhaṇḍakaṃ oropayamānā ‘‘khāṇuko aya’’nti maññamānā therasseva upari sabbabhaṇḍakāni ṭhapesuṃ. Tesaṃ vissamitvā gacchantānaṃ paṭhamaṃ ṭhapitabhaṇḍakassa gahaṇakāle kālaparicchedavasena thero vuṭṭhāsi. Te therassa calanākāraṃ disvā bhītā viraviṃsu. Thero ‘‘mā bhāyittha upāsakā, bhikkhu aha’’nti āha. Te āgantvā vanditvā theragatena pasādena pabbajitvā saha paṭisambhidāhi arahattaṃ pāpuṇiṃsu (dha. pa. aṭṭha. 1.1). Ayamettha pañcahi bhaṇḍakasatehi ajjhotthaṭassa therassa ābādhābhāvo samādhivipphārā iddhi.

3)羯那憍陈如长老,原是常常入禅定的。有一天夜里,他正坐在阿练若中入定,[PTS 381] 有五百盗贼盗了财物而去,他们想:「如今已无随后来追我们的人了」,并欲休息一回,看见长老以为是树桩,把所盗之物都放在他的顶上。他们休息之后动身而去,当取下了最初他们所置的财物时,长老亦因入定的时限而出定。他们看见长老动起来的形态不觉恐怖而号叫。长老说:「诸优婆塞,你们不要怕!我是比丘」。他们便来礼拜对长老而生净信并出家,证得了无碍解共的阿罗汉果。这里以五百束财物的积重亦无痛恼,是长老的「定遍满神变」。

Ñ(XII,33): The Elder Khāṇu-Kondañña was naturally gifted in attainments. He was sitting absorbed in attainment one night in a certain forest. [381] Five hundred robbers came by with stolen booty. Thinking that no one was following them and needing rest, they put the booty down. Believing the elder was a tree stump (khāṇuka), they piled all the booty on him. The elder emerged at the predetermined time just as they were about to depart after resting, at the very time in fact when the one who had put his booty down first was picking it up. When they saw the elder move, they cried out in fear. The elder said, 'Do not be afraid, lay followers; I am a bhikkhu'. They came and paid homage. Such was their confidence in the elder that they went forth into homelessness, and they eventually reached Arahantship together with the discriminations. The absence here of harm to the elder, covered as he was by five hundred bundles of goods, was success by intervention of concentration (see DhA.ii,254).

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Acknowledgment: Thanks to Buddhist Publication Society (BPS) and Venerable Nyanatusita for allowing me to use the English translation of the Visuddhimagga (The Path Of Purification) by Bhadantācariya Buddhaghosa, translated from the Pāḷi by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, as part of a combined Chinese English translation.

Sādhu ! Sādhu ! Sādhu !