Visuddhimagga III-44

Gaṇoti suttantikagaṇo vā ābhidhammikagaṇo vā, yo tassa uddesaṃ vā paripucchaṃ vā dento samaṇadhammassa okāsaṃ na labhati, tasseva gaṇo palibodho hoti,

4.「众」── 是经学众或论学众。他因为要教授他们或质问他们,致使不得机会去行沙门之法,所以众是他的障碍。

Ñ(III,44): 4. Class is a class (group) of students of Suttas or students of Abhidhamma. If with the group's instruction and questioning he gets no opportunity for the ascetic's duties, then that group is an impediment for him.

tena so evaṃ upacchinditabbo.


Ñ: He should sever that impediment in this way:

Sace tesaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ bahu gahitaṃ hoti, appaṃ avasiṭṭhaṃ, taṃ niṭṭhapetvā araññaṃ pavisitabbaṃ.


Ñ: if those bhikkhus have already acquired the main part and little still remains, he should finish that off and then go to the forest.

Sace appaṃ gahitaṃ, bahu avasiṭṭhaṃ, yojanato paraṃ agantvā antoyojanaparicchede aññaṃ gaṇavācakaṃ upasaṅkamitvā ‘‘ime āyasmā uddesādīhi saṅgaṇhatū’’ti vattabbaṃ.

如果他只学了少数,还有多数未学的,[PTS 094] 当在一由旬以内而不超过一由旬以上的区域去找另一位教师(众诵者)对他说:「尊者!请摄受教授他们。」

Ñ: If they have only acquired little and much still remains, [94] he should, without travelling more than a league, approach another instructor of a class within the radius of a league and say, 'Help those venerable ones with instruction, etc.'.

Evaṃ alabhamānena ‘‘mayhamāvuso, ekaṃ kiccaṃ atthi, tumhe yathāphāsukaṭṭhānāni gacchathā’’ti gaṇaṃ pahāya attano kammaṃ kattabbanti.


Ñ: If he does not find anyone in this way, he should take leave of the class, saying 'I have a task to see to, friends; go where it suits you', and he should do his own work.

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Acknowledgment: Thanks to Buddhist Publication Society (BPS) and Venerable Nyanatusita for allowing me to use the English translation of the Visuddhimagga (The Path Of Purification) by Bhadantācariya Buddhaghosa, translated from the Pāḷi by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, as part of a combined Chinese English translation.

Sādhu ! Sādhu ! Sādhu !