Visuddhimagga III-58

Kammaṭṭhānikena hi bhikkhunā paṭhamaṃ tāva paricchinditvā sīmaṭṭhakabhikkhusaṅghe sukhitā hontu abyāpajjāti mettā bhāvetabbā.


Ñ: Ñ(III,58): When a bhikkhu takes up a meditation subject, he should first develop lovingkindness towards the Community of Bhikkhus within the boundary, limiting it at first [to 'all bhikkhus in this monastery'], in this way: 'May they be happy and free from affliction'.

Sayādaw U Sīlānanda: The word 'boundary' here means boundary of a monastery.

Han: Mahāsī Sayādaw explained that the word 'boundary' here means within the boundary of sīma, translated from the Pāḷi word sīmaṭṭhakabhikkhusaṅghe.

sīmā : [f.] a boundary; a limit; a chapter house for Buddhist monks.

Tato sīmaṭṭhakadevatāsu.


Ñ: Then he should develop it towards all deities within the boundary.

Tato gocaragāmamhi issarajane.


Ñ: Then towards all the principal people in the village that is his alms resort;

Tato tattha manusse upādāya sabbasattesu.


Ñ: then to [all human beings there and to] all living beings dependent on the human beings.

Sayādaw U Sīlānanda: [to [all human beings there and to] all living beings dependent on the human beings => to all beings beginning with the human beings].

Han: Mahāsī Sayādaw's explanation was the same as that of Sayādaw U Sīlānanda.

So hi bhikkhusaṅghe mettāya sahavāsīnaṃ muducittataṃ janeti. Athassa te sukhasaṃvāsā honti.


Ñ: With lovingkindness towards the Community of Bhikkhus he produces kindliness in his co-residents; then they are easy for him to live with.

Sīmaṭṭhakadevatāsu mettāya mudukatacittāhi devatāhi dhammikāya rakkhāya susaṃvihitarakkho hoti.


Ñ: With lovingkindness towards the deities within the boundary he is protected by kindly deities with lawful protection.

Gocaragāmamhi issarajane mettāya mudukatacittasantānehi issarehi dhammikāya rakkhāya surakkhitaparikkhāro hoti.

[PTS 098] 对诸村邻的首领人物修慈,则使柔和了心的首脑能以如法的保护而善护其所需之物。

Ñ: [98] With lovingkindness towards the principal people in the village that is his alms resort his requisites are protected by well-disposed principal people with lawful protection.

Tattha manussesu mettāya pasāditacittehi tehi aparibhūto hutvā vicarati.


Ñ: With lovingkindness to all human beings there he goes about without incurring their dislike since they trust him.

Sabbasattesu mettāya sabbattha appaṭihatacāro hoti.


Ñ: With lovingkindness to all living beings he can wander unhindered everywhere.

Maraṇassatiyā pana avassaṃ mayā maritabbanti cintento anesanaṃ pahāya uparūpari vaḍḍhamānasaṃvego anolīnavuttiko hoti.


Ñ: With mindfulness of death, thinking 'I have got to die', he gives up improper search (see S.ii,194; MA.i,115), and with a growing sense of urgency he comes to live without attachment.

Sayādaw U Sīlānanda: [attachment => sluggishness; laziness; indolence].

Han: Mahāsī Sayādaw's explanation was the same as that of Sayādaw U Sīlānanda.

It was translated from the Pāḷi word, anolīnavuttiko, līna meaning shrunk; shy; reserved.

Asubhasaññāparicitacittassa panassa dibbānipi ārammaṇāni lobhavasena cittaṃ na pariyādiyanti.


Ñ: When his mind is familiar with the perception of foulness, then even divine objects do not tempt his mind to greed.

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Acknowledgment: Thanks to Buddhist Publication Society (BPS) and Venerable Nyanatusita for allowing me to use the English translation of the Visuddhimagga (The Path Of Purification) by Bhadantācariya Buddhaghosa, translated from the Pāḷi by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, as part of a combined Chinese English translation.

Sādhu ! Sādhu ! Sādhu !