Visuddhimagga I-159

Apica –


Ñ(I,159): Furthermore: [58]

Tassa pāsādikaṃ hoti, pattacīvaradhāraṇaṃ;

Pabbajjā saphalā tassa, yassa sīlaṃ sunimmalaṃ.

[PTS 058] 净戒无垢者, 彼为人信乐,

受持衣与钵, 出家而有果。

Ñ: His virtue is immaculate,

His wearing of the bowl and robes

Gives pleasure and inspires trust,

His going forth will bear its fruit.

Attānuvādādibhayaṃ, suddhasīlassa bhikkhuno;

Andhakāraṃ viya raviṃ, hadayaṃ nāvagāhati.

净戒比丘心, 如暗不侵日,

自责等怖畏, 无从而潜入。

Ñ: A bhikkhu in his virtue pure

Has never fear that self-reproach

Will enter in his heart: indeed

There is no darkness in the sun.

Sīlasampattiyā bhikkhu, sobhamāno tapovane;

Pabhāsampattiyā cando, gagane viya sobhati.

比丘戒成就, 苦行林光耀,

犹如盛满月, 高悬虚空照。

Ñ: A bhikkhu in his virtue bright

Shines forth in the Ascetics' Wood

As by the brightness of his beams

The moon lights up the firmament.

Kāyagandhopi pāmojjaṃ, sīlavantassa bhikkhuno;

Karoti api devānaṃ, sīlagandhe kathāva kā.

具戒之比丘, 身香亦可喜,

甚至诸天悦; 戒香何须说?

Ñ: Now if the bodily perfume

Of virtuous bhikkhus can succeed

In pleasing even deities,

What of the perfume of his virtue?

Sabbesaṃ gandhajātānaṃ, sampattiṃ abhibhuyyati;

Avighātī disā sabbā, sīlagandho pavāyati.

一切诸香中, 戒香最为胜,

此香熏[xūn]十方, 而无有障碍。

Ñ: It is more perfect far than all

The other perfumes in the world,

Because the perfume virtue gives

Is borne unchecked in all directions.

Appakāpi katā kārā, sīlavante mahapphalā;

Hontīti sīlavā hoti, pūjāsakkārabhājanaṃ.

奉侍具戒者, 作少而果大,

故以彼为器, 供养与恭敬。

Ñ: The deeds done for a virtuous man,

Though they be few, will bear much fruit,

And so the virtuous man becomes

A vessel of honour and renown.

Sīlavantaṃ na bādhanti, āsavā diṭṭhadhammikā;

Samparāyikadukkhānaṃ, mūlaṃ khanati sīlavā.

具戒于今世, 不为诸漏害,

他世诸苦根, 因缘亦断绝。

Ñ: There are no cankers here and now

To plague the virtuous man at all;

The virtuous man digs out the root

Of suffering in lives to come.

Sayādaw U Sīlānanda: [cankers => danger].

Han: Burmese translation: danger called cankers.

Cannot ignore “cankers” because there is “āsava” in the Pāḷi text.

Yā manussesu sampatti, yā ca devesu sampadā;

Na sā sampannasīlassa, icchato hoti dullabhā.

不论人间福, 以及诸天福,

具戒者有愿, 实非难得事。

Ñ: Perfection among human kind

And even among deities,

If wished for, is not hard to gain

For him whose virtue is perfected;

Accantasantā pana yā, ayaṃ nibbānasampadā;

Mano sampannasīlassa, tameva anudhāvati.

诸戒成就者, 彼心常追逐[zhú]

无上涅盘德, 究竟寂静乐。

Ñ: But once his virtue is perfected,

His mind then seeks no other kind

Than the perfection of nibbāna,

The state where utter peace prevails.

Sabbasampattimūlamhi, sīlamhi iti paṇḍito;

Anekākāravokāraṃ, ānisaṃsaṃ vibhāvayeti.

诸乐根本戒, 此中多行相,

种种诸功德, 智者应辨别。

Ñ: Such is the blessed fruit of virtue,

Showing full many a varied form,

So let a wise man know it well

This root of all perfection's branches.

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Acknowledgment: Thanks to Buddhist Publication Society (BPS) and Venerable Nyanatusita for allowing me to use the English translation of the Visuddhimagga (The Path Of Purification) by Bhadantācariya Buddhaghosa, translated from the Pāḷi by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, as part of a combined Chinese English translation.

Sādhu ! Sādhu ! Sādhu !