Visuddhimagga I-99

Imasmiṃ ca panatthe aṭaviyaṃ corehi baddhatherānaṃ vatthūni veditabbāni.

在这里,当知在森林中为盗贼所捆缚[kǔn fù]的故事:

Ñ(I,99): And the story of the Elders bound by robbers in the forest should be understood in this sense.

Mahāvattaniaṭaviyaṃ kira theraṃ corā kāḷavallīhi bandhitvā nipajjāpesuṃ. Thero yathānipannova sattadivasāni vipassanaṃ vaḍḍhetvā anāgāmiphalaṃ pāpuṇitvā tattheva kālaṃ katvā brahmaloke nibbatti.


Ñ: It seems that robbers in the Mahāvaṭṭanī Forest bound an Elder with black creepers and made him lie down. While he lay there for seven days he augmented his insight, and after reaching the fruition of Non-return, he died there and was reborn in the Brahmā World.

Sayādaw U Sīlānanda: [augmented his insight = practice vipassana meditation].

Han: Burmese translation same as Sayādaw.

Aparampi theraṃ tambapaṇṇidīpe pūtilatāya bandhitvā nipajjāpesuṃ. So vanadāhe āgacchante valliṃ acchinditvāva vipassanaṃ paṭṭhapetvā samasīsī hutvā parinibbāyi.


Ñ: Also they bound another Elder in Tambapaṇṇi Island (Ceylon) with string creepers and made him lie down. When a forest fire came and the creepers were not cut, he established insight and attained nibbāna simultaneously with his death.

Sayādaw U Sīlānanda: [simultaneously = almost simultaneous, not at the same moment].

Han: It is the translation of “samasīsī”, which in Bur Dic means “moments before his death”.

So “almost simultaneously” may be the better choice of word..

Dīghabhāṇakaabhayatthero pañcahi bhikkhusatehi saddhiṃ āgacchanto disvā therassa sarīraṃ jhāpetvā cetiyaṃ kārāpesi.

后来长部诵者无畏长老和五百比丘来到这里看见了,才把他的身体荼毗[tú pí](火葬)了,并建塔庙供养。

Ñ: When the Elder Abhaya, a preacher of the Dīgha Nikāya, passed by with five hundred bhikkhus, he saw [what had happened] and he had the Elder's body cremated and a shrine built.

Tasmā aññopi saddho kulaputto –


Ñ: Therefore let other clansmen also:

Pātimokkhaṃ visodhento, appeva jīvitaṃ jahe;

Paññattaṃ lokanāthena, na bhinde sīlasaṃvaraṃ.



Ñ: Maintain the rules of conduct pure,

Renouncing life if there be need,

Rather than break virtue's restraint

By the World's Saviour decreed.

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Acknowledgment: Thanks to Buddhist Publication Society (BPS) and Venerable Nyanatusita for allowing me to use the English translation of the Visuddhimagga (The Path Of Purification) by Bhadantācariya Buddhaghosa, translated from the Pāḷi by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, as part of a combined Chinese English translation.

Sādhu ! Sādhu ! Sādhu !