Visuddhimagga I-130

Imassa ca paccayasannissitasīlassa paripūrakāritāya bhāgineyyasaṅgharakkhitasāmaṇerassa vatthu kathetabbaṃ. So hi sammā paccavekkhitvā paribhuñji. Yathāha –

为成就资具依止戒的(僧护长老的)外甥僧护沙弥的故事,亦当在这里叙述[xù shù],他以正当的观察而受用是这样的:

Ñ(I,130): And in connexion with the fulfilling of this virtue dependent on requisites there should be told the story of the novice Saṅgharakkhita the Nephew. For he made use of requisites after reviewing, according as it is said:

‘‘Upajjhāyo maṃ bhuñjamānaṃ, sālikūraṃ sunibbutaṃ;

Mā heva tvaṃ sāmaṇera, jivhaṃ jhāpesi asaññato.



Ñ: 'Seeing me eat a dish of rice

Quite cold, my preceptor observed:

"Novice, if you are not restrained,

Be careful not to burn your tongue".

‘‘Upajjhāyassa vaco sutvā, saṃvegamalabhiṃ tadā;

Ekāsane nisīditvā, arahattaṃ apāpuṇiṃ.



Ñ: On hearing my Preceptor's words,

I then and there felt urged to act

And, sitting in a single session,

I reached the goal of Arahantship.

‘‘Sohaṃ paripuṇṇasaṅkappo, cando pannaraso yathā;

Sabbāsavaparikkhīṇo, natthi dāni punabbhavo’’ti.



Ñ: Since I am now waxed full in thought

Like the full moon of the fifteenth (see M.iii,277),

And all my cankers are destroyed,

There is no more becoming now'. [46]

‘‘Tasmā aññopi dukkhassa, patthayanto parikkhayaṃ;

Yoniso paccavekkhitvā, paṭisevetha paccaye’’ti.

[PTS 046] 是故那些欲求苦的灭尽者,


Ñ: And so should any other man

Aspiring to end suffering

Make use of all the requisites

Wisely after reviewing them.

Evaṃ pātimokkhasaṃvarasīlādivasena catubbidhaṃ.



Ñ: So virtue is of four kinds as 'virtue of Pātimokkha restraint', and so on.

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Acknowledgment: Thanks to Buddhist Publication Society (BPS) and Venerable Nyanatusita for allowing me to use the English translation of the Visuddhimagga (The Path Of Purification) by Bhadantācariya Buddhaghosa, translated from the Pāḷi by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, as part of a combined Chinese English translation.

Sādhu ! Sādhu ! Sādhu !